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PostgreSQL exercises

PostgreSQL JOINS - Exercises, Practice, Solution

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PostgreSQL Joins [13 exercises with solution]

1. Write a query to find the addresses (location_id, street_address, city, state_province, country_name) of all the departments.

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SELECT location_id, street_address, city, state_province, country_name
FROM locations
NATURAL JOIN countries;

Sample table : locations

Sample table : countries

2. Write a query to find the names (first_name, last name), department ID and name of all the employees.

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SELECT first_name, last_name, department_id, department_name 
FROM employees 
JOIN departments USING (department_id);

Sample table : employees

Sample table : departments

3. Find the names (first_name, last_name), job, department number, and department name of the employees who work in London.

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SELECT e.first_name, e.last_name, e.job_id, e.department_id, d.department_name 
FROM employees e 
JOIN departments d 
ON (e.department_id = d.department_id) 
JOIN locations l ON 
(d.location_id = l.location_id) 
WHERE l.city = 'London';

Sample table : departments

Sample table : locations

Sample table : employees

4. Write a query to find the employee id, name (last_name) along with their manager_id, manager name (last_name).

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SELECT W1.employee_id as "Emp_id" , W1.last_name AS "Employee",
W2.employee_id AS "Manager ID", W2.last_name AS "Manager"
FROM employees W1 JOIN employees W2
ON W1.manager_id= W2.employee_id;

Sample table : employees

5. Find the names (first_name, last_name) and hire date of the employees who were hired after 'Jones'.

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SELECT e.first_name, e.last_name, e.hire_date 
FROM employees e 
JOIN employees davies 
ON (davies.last_name = 'Jones') 
WHERE davies.hire_date < e.hire_date;

Sample table : employees

6. Write a query to get the department name and number of employees in the department.

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SELECT department_name AS "Department Name", 
COUNT(*) AS "No of Employees" 
FROM departments 
INNER JOIN employees 
ON employees.department_id = departments.department_id 
GROUP BY departments.department_id, department_name 
ORDER BY department_name;

Sample table : employees

Sample table : departments

7. Find the employee ID, job title number of days between ending date and starting date for all jobs in department 90 from job history.

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SELECT employee_id, job_title, end_date-start_date Days 
FROM job_history 
WHERE department_id=90;

Sample table : employees

8. Write a query to display the department ID, department name and manager first name.

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SELECT w1.department_id, w1.department_name, w2.manager_id, w2.first_name 
FROM departments w1 
INNER JOIN employees w2 
ON (w1.manager_id = w2.employee_id);

Sample table : employees

Sample table : departments

9. Write a query to display the department name, manager name, and city.

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SELECT w1.department_name, w2.first_name, w3.city 
FROM departments w1 
JOIN employees w2 
ON (w1.manager_id = w2.employee_id) 
JOIN locations w3 USING (location_id);

Sample table : employees

Sample table : departments

Sample table : locations

10. Write a query to display the job title and average salary of employees.

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SELECT job_title, AVG(salary) 
FROM employees 
GROUP BY job_title;

Sample table : employees

11. Display job title, employee name, and the difference between salary of the employee and minimum salary for the job.

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SELECT w2.job_title, w1.first_name, w1.salary,
w2.min_salary,(w1.salary - w2.min_salary) as "Salary - Min_Salary" 
FROM employees  w1

Sample table : employees

12. Write a query to display the job history that were done by any employee who is currently drawing more than 10000 of salary.

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SELECT jh.* FROM job_history jh 
JOIN employees em 
ON (jh.employee_id = em.employee_id) 
WHERE em.salary > 10000;

Sample table : employees

Sample table : Job_history

13. Write a query to display department name, name (first_name, last_name), hire date, salary of the manager for all managers whose experience is more than 15 years.

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SELECT department_name, first_name, last_name,
hire_date, salary,date_part('year',age(now(),hire_date)) Experience 
FROM departments w1 
JOIN employees w2 
ON (w1.manager_id = w2.manager_id)
WHERE date_part('year',age(now(),hire_date))>15;

Sample table : employees

Sample table : departments

Structure of 'hr' database :

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