
Python function to retrieve middle character

Python None Data Type: Exercise-2 with Solution

Write a Python function that returns the middle character of a string or "None" if the string length is odd.

Sample Solution:


def get_middle_character(input_string):
    length = len(input_string)
    if length % 2 == 0:
        return "None"
        middle_index = length // 2
        return input_string[middle_index]

def main():
        input_string = input("Input a string: ")
        result = get_middle_character(input_string)
        if result == "None":
            print("String length is even, no middle character.")
            print("Middle character:", result)
    except Exception as e:
        print("An error occurred:", e)

if __name__ == "__main__":


Input a string: abcd
String length is even, no middle character.
Input a string: abcde
Middle character: c

In the above exercise, the program defines the "get_middle_character()" function, which calculates the length of the input string and checks if it's odd. If it's odd, it returns the middle character of the string; otherwise, it returns "None". In the "main()" function, user input is processed using "get_middle_character()", and the result is printed.


Flowchart: Python function to retrieve middle character.

Previous: Python function to handle empty strings.
Next: Python program for handling empty strings.

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