
Pandas: Capitalize all the string values of specified columns of a given DataFrame

Pandas: String and Regular Expression Exercise-5 with Solution

Write a Pandas program to capitalize all the string values of specified columns of a given DataFrame.

Sample Solution:

Python Code :

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({
    'name': ['alberto','gino','ryan', 'Eesha', 'syed'],
    'date_of_birth ': ['17/05/2002','16/02/1999','25/09/1998','11/05/2002','15/09/1997'],
    'age': [18.5, 21.2, 22.5, 22, 23]
print("Original DataFrame:")
print("\nAfter capitalizing name column:")
df['name'] = list(map(lambda x: x.capitalize(), df['name']))

Sample Output:

Original DataFrame:
      name date_of_birth    age
0  alberto     17/05/2002  18.5
1     gino     16/02/1999  21.2
2     ryan     25/09/1998  22.5
3    Eesha     11/05/2002  22.0
4     syed     15/09/1997  23.0

After capitalizing name column:
      name date_of_birth    age
0  Alberto     17/05/2002  18.5
1     Gino     16/02/1999  21.2
2     Ryan     25/09/1998  22.5
3    Eesha     11/05/2002  22.0
4     Syed     15/09/1997  23.0

Python Code Editor:

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Previous: Write a Pandas program to add leading zeros to the character column in a pandas series and makes the length of the field to 8 digit.
Next: Write a Pandas program to count of occurrence of a specified substring in a DataFrame column.

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