
What are the built-in data types in Python?

Built-in data types in Python

Python provides several built-in data types to represent different kinds of data. Here are fundamental data types in Python:

Numeric Data Types:

int: Integer data type represents whole numbers, positive or negative, without fractions.

float: Floating-point data type represents real numbers with a decimal point or an exponent.

Text Data Type:

str: String data type represents a sequence of characters, enclosed within single, double, or triple quotes.

Boolean Data Type:

bool: Boolean data type represents a binary value, either True or False, used for logical operations.

Sequence Data Types:

list: List data type represents an ordered collection of elements, mutable (modifiable).

tuple: Tuple data type represents an ordered collection of elements, immutable (cannot be changed after creation).

range: Range data type represents an immutable sequence of numbers in a specified range.

Mapping Data Type:

dict: Dictionary data type represents a collection of key-value pairs, where each key is unique and associated with a value.

Set Data Types:

set: Set data type represents an unordered collection of unique elements, where duplicates are automatically removed.

frozenset: Frozenset data type represents an immutable version of a set.

Sequence of Characters:

bytes: Bytes data type represents a sequence of bytes, similar to a string, but immutable.

bytearray: Bytearray data type represents a mutable sequence of bytes.

None Data Type:

None: None data type represents absence of value. It is often used to represent null or undefined Data values.

Other Data Types:

complex: Complex data type represents complex numbers with a real and imaginary part (e.g., 3+5j).



# Examples of different data types
x = 42              # int
pi = 3.14           # float
me = "David"       # str
is_employee = True   # bool

list_nums = [1, 2, 3]           # list
tuple_nums = (10, 20, 30)       # tuple
dict_nums = {"Red": 2.0, "Green": 1.5}  # dict

set_data = {1, 2, 3, 4}          # set
frozenset_data = frozenset({1, 2})  # frozenset

no_value = None         # None
complex_number = 2 + 3j  # complex

print(type(x))    # Output: <class 'int'>
print(type(pi))   # Output: <class 'float'>
print(type(me)) # Output: <class 'str'>
print(type(is_employee))   # Output: <class 'bool'>
print(type(list_nums))   # Output: <class 'list'>
print(type(tuple_nums))  # Output: <class 'tuple'>
print(type(dict_nums))   # Output: <class 'dict'>
print(type(set_data))    # Output: <class 'set'>
print(type(frozenset_data))  # Output: <class 'frozenset'>
print(type(no_value))  # Output: <class 'NoneType'>
print(type(complex_number))  # Output: <class 'complex'>


<class 'int'>
<class 'float'>
<class 'str'>
<class 'bool'>
<class 'list'>
<class 'tuple'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'set'>
<class 'frozenset'>
<class 'NoneType'>
<class 'complex'>

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