
Running asynchronous Python functions with different time delays

Python Asynchronous: Exercise-2 with Solution

Write a Python program that creates three asynchronous functions and displays their respective names with different delays (1 second, 2 seconds, and 3 seconds).

Sample Solution:


import asyncio
async def display_name_with_delay(name, delay):
    await asyncio.sleep(delay)
async def main():
    tasks = [
        display_name_with_delay("Asyn. function-1", 1),
        display_name_with_delay("Asyn. function-2", 2),
        display_name_with_delay("Asyn. function-3", 3)
    await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
# Run the event loop


Asyn. function-1
Asyn. function-2
Asyn. function-3


In the above exercise,

  • "display_name_with_delay()" is an asynchronous function that takes a 'name' and a 'delay' as arguments. It uses await asyncio.sleep(delay) to introduce the specified delay, and then displays the given name.
  • The main coroutine runs the three asynchronous functions concurrently using the asyncio.gather() function. It creates a list of tasks representing each call to print_name_with_delay.
  • The asyncio.run(main()) line starts the event loop, which runs the concurrent tasks defined in the tasks list.

When you run this program, you'll see the names "Asyn. function-1", "Asyn. function-2", "Asyn. function-3" displayed on the console with delays of 1 second, 2 seconds, and 3 seconds respectively.


Flowchart: Running asynchronous Python functions with different time delays.

Previous: Delaying Print Output with asyncio Coroutines in Python.
Next: Printing numbers with a delay using asyncio coroutines in Python.

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