
Python: Remove a specified dictionary from a given list

Python dictionary: Exercise-48 with Solution

Write a Python program to remove a specified dictionary from a given list.

Visual Presentation:

Python Dictionary: Remove a specified dictionary from a given list.

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

# Define a function 'remove_dictionary' that removes a dictionary with a specific 'id' from a list of dictionaries.
def remove_dictionary(colors, r_id):
    # Use a list comprehension to filter out dictionaries with an 'id' not equal to 'r_id'.
    # The filtered result is assigned back to the 'colors' list, effectively removing the dictionary with the specified 'id'.
    colors[:] = [d for d in colors if d.get('id') != r_id]
    return colors

# Create a list of dictionaries 'colors' with 'id' and 'color' as keys.
colors = [
    {"id": "#FF0000", "color": "Red"},
    {"id": "#800000", "color": "Maroon"},
    {"id": "#FFFF00", "color": "Yellow"},
    {"id": "#808000", "color": "Olive"}

# Print a message indicating the start of the code section and the original list of dictionaries.
print('Original list of dictionary:')

# Define the 'r_id' variable with the value of the 'id' to be removed from the list.
r_id = "#FF0000"

# Print a message indicating the intention to remove the dictionary with 'r_id' from the list.
print("\nRemove id", r_id, "from the said list of dictionary:")

# Call the 'remove_dictionary' function to remove the dictionary with the specified 'id'.
# Print the resulting list of dictionaries after the removal.
print(remove_dictionary(colors, r_id)) 

Sample Output:

Original list of dictionary:
[{'id': '#FF0000', 'color': 'Red'}, {'id': '#800000', 'color': 'Maroon'}, {'id': '#FFFF00', 'color': 'Yellow'}, {'id': '#808000', 'color': 'Olive'}]

Remove id #FF0000 from the said list of dictionary:
[{'id': '#800000', 'color': 'Maroon'}, {'id': '#FFFF00', 'color': 'Yellow'}, {'id': '#808000', 'color': 'Olive'}]


Flowchart: Remove a specified dictionary from a given list.

Python Code Editor:

Previous: Write a Python program to split a given dictionary of lists into list of dictionaries.
Next: Write a Python program to convert string values of a given dictionary, into integer/float datatypes.

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