
C Exercises: Counts the number of characters left in the file

C For Loop: Exercise-60 with Solution

Write a C program that takes user input and counts the number of characters until the end of the file.

Note: On Linux systems and OS X, the character to input to cause an EOF is CTRL+D. For Windows, it's CTRL+Z

Sample Solution:

C Code:

#include <stdio.h>   // Include the standard input/output header file. 
int main(void)
    // Variable declaration and initialization
int ctr = 0;
    // Prompting the user for input
printf("\nInput characters: On Linux systems and OS X EOF is CTRL+D. For Windows EOF is CTRL+Z.\n");
    // Loop to count characters until EOF (End of File) is encountered
while (getchar() != EOF)
    // Printing the number of characters counted
printf("\nNumber of Characters: %d\n", ctr);
return 0;

Sample Output:

Input characters: On Linux systems and OS X EOF is CTRL+D. For Windows EOF is CTRL+Z.

Number of Characters: 10


Flowchart : Check whether an n digits number is armstrong or not

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