
PHP Class Exercises : Calculator class which will accept two values as arguments

PHP class: Exercise-6 with Solution

Write a PHP calculator class which will accept two values as arguments, then add them, subtract them, multiply them together, or divide them on request.

For example :
$mycalc = new MyCalculator( 12, 6);
echo $mycalc- > add(); // Displays 18
echo $mycalc- > multiply(); // Displays 72

Sample Solution:

PHP Code:

// Define a class named MyCalculator
class MyCalculator {
    // Private properties to hold the first and second values
    private $_fval, $_sval;
    // Constructor to initialize the object with two values
    public function __construct($fval, $sval) {
        $this->_fval = $fval; // Assign the first value to the property _fval
        $this->_sval = $sval; // Assign the second value to the property _sval
    // Method to add the two values
    public function add() {
        return $this->_fval + $this->_sval; // Return the sum of _fval and _sval
    // Method to subtract the second value from the first value
    public function subtract() {
        return $this->_fval - $this->_sval; // Return the difference of _fval and _sval
    // Method to multiply the two values
    public function multiply() {
        return $this->_fval * $this->_sval; // Return the product of _fval and _sval
    // Method to divide the first value by the second value
    public function divide() {
        return $this->_fval / $this->_sval; // Return the quotient of _fval and _sval

// Create an instance of the MyCalculator class with initial values 12 and 6
$mycalc = new MyCalculator(12, 6); 

// Output the result of addition
echo $mycalc->add() . "\n"; // Displays 18 

// Output the result of multiplication
echo $mycalc->multiply() . "\n"; // Displays 72

// Output the result of subtraction
echo $mycalc->subtract() . "\n"; // Displays 6

// Output the result of division
echo $mycalc->divide() . "\n"; // Displays 2




In the exercise above,

  • class MyCalculator { ... }: Defines a class named "MyCalculator" to encapsulate a set of calculator operations.
  • private $_fval, $_sval;: Declares two private properties 'fval' and 'sval' to store the first and second values respectively.
  • public function __construct($fval, $sval) { ... }: Constructor method that initializes the object with two values.
  • public function add() { ... }: Method to add the two values.
  • public function subtract() { ... }: Method to subtract the second value from the first value.
  • public function multiply() { ... }: Method to multiply the two values.
  • public function divide() { ... }: Method to divide the first value by the second value.
  • $mycalc = new MyCalculator(12, 6);: Creates a new instance of the "MyCalculator" class with initial values 12 and 6.
  • echo $mycalc->add() . "\n";: Invokes the "add()" method of the "$mycalc" object and displays the result.
  • Similar invocations are made for the "multiply()", "subtract()", and "divide()" methods.

Flowchart :

Flowchart: Calculator class which will accept two values as arguments

PHP Code Editor:

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