
JavaScript: Validate whether a given value type is pure json object or not

JavaScript validation: Exercise-7 with Solution

Write a JavaScript function to validate whether a given value type is a pure JSON object or not.

Sample Solution: -

HTML Code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>JavaScript function to validate whether a given value type is pure json object or not.</title>


JavaScript Code:

function is_json(value)
        return toString.call(value) === '[object Object]';

console.log(is_json({name: 'Robert'}));



Sample Output:



Flowchart: JavaScript - Validate whether a given value type is pure json object or not.

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Previous: Write a JavaScript function to validate whether a given value is object or not.
Next: Write a JavaScript function to validate whether a given value is RegExp or not.

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