
Oracle: List the employees name and total salary of a year and yearly salary is more than $10000

Oracle Operator: Exercise-2 with Solution

Write a query to list the employees name and total salary of a year and yearly salary is more than $10000.

Sample table: employees

Sample Solution:

Oracle Code:

SELECT first_name, last_name, salary*12 "Yearly Salary" 
FROM employees 
WHERE (salary*12) >10000;


FIRST_NAME           LAST_NAME                 Yearly Salary                    
-------------------- ------------------------- -------------                    
Steven               King                             288000                    
Neena                Kochhar                          204000                    
Lex                  De Haan                          204000                    
Alexander            Hunold                           108000                    
Bruce                Ernst                             72000                    
David                Austin                            57600                    
Valli                Pataballa                         57600                    
Diana                Lorentz                           50400                    
Nancy                Greenberg                        144096                    
Daniel               Faviet                           108000                    
John                 Chen                              98400

107 rows selected.

Pictorial Presentation:

Pictorial: List the employees name and total salary of a year and yearly salary is more than $10000

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Previous: Write a query to list the name of all the employees who are working in department number 20.
Next: Write a query to list the employees name and salary who’s daily salary is more than $100.

What is the difficulty level of this exercise?

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