
Python: Project, Solution

Python Mini Projects

1. Create a Python project to get the value of Pi to n number of decimal places.
Note: Input a number and the program will generate PI to the 'nth digit

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2. Create a Python project to get the value of e to n number of decimal places.
Note: Input a number and the program will generate e to the 'nth digit

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3. Create a Python project to guess a number that has randomly selected.

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4. Create a Python project that prints out every line of the song "99 bottles of beer on the wall." Note: Try to use a built in function instead of manually type all the lines.

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5. Create a Python project of a Magic 8 Ball which is a toy used for fortune-telling or seeking advice.

  • Allow the user to input their question.
  • Show an in progress message.
  • Create 10/20 responses, and show a random response.
  • Allow the user to ask another question/advice or quit the game.

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6. Create a Python project that will help to print colored text, bold, italic, faint, blink (slow/fast), on terminal window.

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7. Create a Python project to get a property from a nested object using a dot path.

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8. Create a Python project to split a given data list into several small sections.

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9. Create a Python project to create random name (first name, full name etc.) profile etc.

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10. Create a Python project to read public data returned from URL, and parsing JSON to dictionary object.

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11. Create a Python project to perform some simple statistics on a list of values.

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