
Python palindrome checker with Boolean logic

Python Boolean Data Type: Exercise-6 with Solution

Write a Python function that checks if a given string is a palindrome (reads the same backward as forward) using boolean values.

Sample Solution:


def is_palindrome(string):
    text = ''.join(char.lower() for char in string if char.isalnum())
    return text == text[::-1]

def main():
        input_string = input("Input a string: ")
        if is_palindrome(input_string):
            print("The string is a palindrome.")
            print("The string is not a palindrome.")
    except Exception as e:
        print("An error occurred:", e)

if __name__ == "__main__":


Input a string: mamdam
The string is not a palindrome.
Input a string: madam
The string is a palindrome.

In the exercise above the program prompts the user to input a string, and then uses the "is_palindrome()" function to determine if the string is a palindrome. The string is converted to lowercase, non-alphanumeric characters are removed, and the cleaned string is checked for consistency when read backwards. It prints the appropriate message based on the results.


Flowchart: Python palindrome checker with Boolean logic.

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