
Creating a memory view on a Python bytes object: Length and first bytes

Python Memory Views Data Type: Exercise-1 with Solution

Write a Python program that creates a memory view on a bytes object and prints the length and first 8 bytes.

Sample Solution:


def main():
        data = b"Python Exercises!"
        # Create memory view on data
        mem_data  = memoryview(data)        
        print("Memory View Length:", len(mem_data))
        # Print first 8 bytes
        print("First 8 Bytes:", mem_data[:8])
    except Exception as e:
        print("An error occurred:", e)

if __name__ == "__main__":


Memory View Length: 17
First 8 Bytes: <memory at 0x00000266DBB4E1C8>

In the exercise above, we create a memory view named 'mem_data' on the 'data' bytes object using the "memoryview()" function. We then print the length of the memory view using the "len()" function and the first 8 bytes using slicing on the memory view.


Flowchart: Creating a memory view on a Python bytes object: Length and first bytes.

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Next: Converting Python memory view to bytes: Function and example.

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