
Python OrderedDict Key reordering

Python OrderedDict Data Type: Exercise-5 with Solution

Write a Python program to create an OrderedDict with the following key-value pairs:
'Laptop': 40
'Desktop': 45
'Mobile': 35
'Charger': 25
Now move the 'Desktop' key to the end of the dictionary and print the updated contents.

Sample Solution:


from collections import OrderedDict

# Create an OrderedDict with the given key-value pairs
ordered_dict = OrderedDict([
    ('Laptop', 40),
    ('Desktop', 45),
    ('Mobile', 35),
    ('Charger', 25)

print("Original OrderedDict:")

# Move the 'Desktop' key to the end
print("\nMove the 'Desktop' key to the end")

# Print the updated OrderedDict
print("\nUpdated OrderedDict:")


Original OrderedDict:
OrderedDict([('Laptop', 40), ('Desktop', 45), ('Mobile', 35), ('Charger', 25)])

Move the 'Desktop' key to the end

Updated OrderedDict:
OrderedDict([('Laptop', 40), ('Mobile', 35), ('Charger', 25), ('Desktop', 45)])

In this exercise above, the move_to_end() method of the OrderedDict is used to move the 'Desktop' key to the end of the dictionary, effectively changing its position within the dictionary.


Flowchart: Python OrderedDict Key reordering

Previous: Python OrderedDict Reversal.
Next: Python OrderedDict Key-Value removal.

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