
Python Removing key-Value pair from OrderedDict

Python OrderedDict Data Type: Exercise-8 with Solution

Write a Python function that creates an OrderedDict and removes a key-value pair from the OrderedDict using a given key.

Sample OrderedDict:
'Laptop': 40
'Desktop': 45
'Mobile': 35
'Charger': 25

Sample Solution:


from collections import OrderedDict

def remove_key_from_ordered_dict(od, key_to_remove):
    if key_to_remove in od:
        del od[key_to_remove]
        print(f"Key '{key_to_remove}' removed successfully.")
        print(f"Key '{key_to_remove}' not found in the OrderedDict.")

# Create an OrderedDict
ordered_dict = OrderedDict([
    ('Laptop', 40),
    ('Desktop', 45),
    ('Mobile', 35),
    ('Charger', 25)

print("Original OrderedDict: ",ordered_dict)
# Remove a key-value pair from the OrderedDict
print("\nKey to remove: 'Desktop'")
key_to_remove = 'Desktop'
remove_key_from_ordered_dict(ordered_dict, key_to_remove)

# Print the updated OrderedDict
print("\nUpdated OrderedDict: ",ordered_dict)


Original OrderedDict:  OrderedDict([('Laptop', 40), ('Desktop', 45), ('Mobile', 35), ('Charger', 25)])

Key to remove: 'Desktop'
Key 'Desktop' removed successfully.

Updated OrderedDict:  OrderedDict([('Laptop', 40), ('Mobile', 35), ('Charger', 25)])

In the exercise above, the "remove_key_from_ordered_dict()" function takes an 'OrderedDict' and a key to remove as inputs. If the key exists in the 'OrderedDict', the function deletes the corresponding key-value pair using the 'del' statement. It prints a message if the key does not exist. Finally the function prints the updated 'OrderedDict' after removing the key-value pair.


Flowchart: Python Removing key-Value pair from OrderedDict.

Previous: Python merging OrderedDicts with summed values.
Next: Python generating random ASCII OrderedDict.

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