
Installing and Using PostgreSQL Clients on macOS

Setting Up a PostgreSQL Client on macOS

Using PostgreSQL on macOS requires installing and configuring a PostgreSQL client, such as psql (PostgreSQL's interactive terminal), or a graphical interface like pgAdmin. This article guides you through the installation, configuration, and usage of PostgreSQL clients on macOS, with examples and explanations.

Installing PostgreSQL Client on macOS

You can install the PostgreSQL client on macOS using Homebrew or a graphical installer.

Option 1: Install using Homebrew

Step 1: Install Homebrew

If you don’t have Homebrew installed, run:

# Install Homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

Step 2: Install PostgreSQL

# Install PostgreSQL via Homebrew
brew install postgresql

Step 3: Verify Installation

# Check PostgreSQL version
psql --version


  • brew install postgresql: Installs PostgreSQL along with the psql client.
  • psql --version: Verifies that the PostgreSQL client is installed.

Option 2: Install Using Graphical Installer

    1. Download the PostgreSQL installer for macOS from PostgreSQL.org.

    2. Run the installer and follow the setup wizard.

    3. The installer includes:

    • PostgreSQL server
    • psql client
    • StackBuilder for managing add-ons.

Connecting to PostgreSQL Server Using psql

After installation, you can connect to a PostgreSQL server using the psql command.



# Connect to a local PostgreSQL database
psql -h localhost -U your_username -d your_database


  • -h localhost: Specifies the host (local in this case).
  • -U your_username: Provides the username.
  • -d your_database: Indicates the database name to connect to.

Using GUI Clients on macOS

For a graphical interface, you can use tools like pgAdmin or DBeaver.

Installing pgAdmin:

1. Download pgAdmin from the official site.

2. Install it on your macOS system.

3. Configure a connection to your PostgreSQL server by providing:

  • Host
  • Port
  • Username
  • Password
  • Database name

Common Commands in psql

1. List Databases:

  • Displays all databases on the server.

2. Connect to a Database:

\c your_database

3. List Tables in a Database:


4. Quit psql:



  • These shortcuts are built-in commands for easier navigation and querying in psql.
# Run PostgreSQL Exporter with connection settings
DATA_SOURCE_NAME="postgresql://prometheus:your_password@localhost:5432/your_database?sslmode=disable" ./postgres_exporter

Key use Cases for PostgreSQL Clients on macOS

    1. Development: Access and manage your PostgreSQL databases during application development.

    2. Monitoring: Query performance metrics or analyze system status.

    3. Data Management: Execute SQL queries, create schemas, and manage tables directly.

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