C++ Exercises: Display the current date and time
C++ Basic: Exercise-34 with Solution
Current Date and Time Display
Write a C++ program to display the current date and time.
Visual Presentation:
Sample Solution:
C++ Code :
#include<iostream> // Including input-output stream header file
#include<cmath> // Including the header file for math functions
#include <ctime> // Including the header file to work with date and time
using namespace std; // Using the standard namespace
int main() // Start of the main function
time_t t = time(NULL); // Declaring a time_t variable and assigning the current time to it
tm* tPtr = localtime(&t); // Creating a pointer to a tm structure and obtaining the local time
cout << "\n\n Display the Current Date and Time :\n"; // Outputting a message indicating the purpose of the program
cout << "----------------------------------------\n"; // Outputting a separator line
// Outputting different components of the current date and time
cout << " seconds = " << (tPtr->tm_sec) << endl; // Displaying seconds
cout << " minutes = " << (tPtr->tm_min) << endl; // Displaying minutes
cout << " hours = " << (tPtr->tm_hour) << endl; // Displaying hours
cout << " day of month = " << (tPtr->tm_mday) << endl; // Displaying day of the month
cout << " month of year = " << (tPtr->tm_mon)+1 << endl; // Displaying month of the year
cout << " year = " << (tPtr->tm_year)+1900 << endl; // Displaying year
cout << " weekday = " << (tPtr->tm_wday) << endl; // Displaying weekday
cout << " day of year = " << (tPtr->tm_yday) << endl; // Displaying day of the year
cout << " daylight savings = " << (tPtr->tm_isdst) << endl; // Displaying daylight savings
cout << endl; // Outputting empty lines for formatting
// Displaying current date and time in a formatted manner
cout << " Current Date: " <<(tPtr->tm_mday)<<"/"<< (tPtr->tm_mon)+1 <<"/"<< (tPtr->tm_year)+1900<< endl; // Displaying the current date
cout << " Current Time: " << (tPtr->tm_hour)<<":"<< (tPtr->tm_min)<<":"<< (tPtr->tm_sec) << endl; // Displaying the current time
cout << endl; // Outputting empty line for formatting
return 0; // Returning 0 to indicate successful program execution
Sample Output:
Display the Current Date and Time : ---------------------------------------- seconds = 57 minutes = 33 hours = 12 day of month = 6 month of year = 7 year = 2017 weekday = 4 day of year = 186 daylight savings = 0 Current Date: 6/7/2017 Current Time: 12:33:57
C++ Code Editor:
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