
C++ Exercises: Print all ASCII character with their values

C++ For Loop: Exercise-61 with Solution

Write a C++ program that prints all ASCII characters with their values.

Visual Presentation:

C++ Exercises: Print all ASCII character with their values

Sample Solution:-

C++ Code :

#include <iostream> // Include the input/output stream library
using namespace std; // Using standard namespace

int main() // Main function where the execution of the program starts
    int sn, en, i, j, ctr, r; // Declare integer variables sn, en, i, j, ctr, and r

    // Display messages asking for input
    cout << "\n\n Print ASCII character with their values:\n";
    cout << "-------------------------------------------------\n";
    cout << " Input the starting value for ASCII characters: ";
    cin >> sn; // Read starting value for ASCII characters from the user
    cout << " Input the ending value for ASCII characters: ";
    cin >> en; // Read ending value for ASCII characters from the user

    // Checking if the starting or ending values are out of range (0-255)
    if (sn < 255 || sn < 0)
        sn = 1; // If starting value is out of range, set it to 1 (minimum ASCII value)
    if (en < 0 || en > 255)
        en = 255; // If ending value is out of range, set it to 255 (maximum ASCII value)

    cout << "The ASCII characters:" << endl; // Output message

    // Loop to print ASCII characters and their values from starting to ending value
    for (i = sn; i <= en; i++) 
        cout << i << " --> " << char(i) << endl; // Print ASCII value and its corresponding character

Sample Output:

 Print ASCII character with their values:                              
 Input the starting value for ASCII characters: 65                     
 Input the ending value for ASCII characters: 75                       
The ASCII characters:                                                  
65 --> A                                                               
66 --> B                                                               
67 --> C                                                               
68 --> D                                                               
69 --> E                                                               
70 --> F                                                               
71 --> G                                                               
72 --> H                                                               
73 --> I                                                               
74 --> J                                                               
75 --> K 


Flowchart: Print all ASCII character with their values

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