
HTML5: How to specify how much work the task requires in total?

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HTML Code:

<!DOCTYPE html><!-- Define document type as HTML5 -->
<html><!-- Start of HTML document -->
<head><!-- Start of head section -->
<meta charset="utf-8"><!-- Define character encoding -->
<title>How to specify how much work 
the task requires in total</title><!-- Title of the document -->
</head><!-- End of head section -->
<body><!-- Start of body section -->
Downloading progress: <!-- Text indicating the purpose of the progress element -->
<progress value="50" max="100"><!-- Define a progress element with value and maximum attributes -->
</progress><!-- End of progress element -->
</body><!-- End of body section -->
</html><!-- End of HTML document -->


  • This HTML code demonstrates how to specify the total amount of work required for a task using the <progress> element.
  • The <progress> element is used to indicate the completion progress of a task.
  • Inside the <progress> element, the value attribute specifies the current progress value, which in this case is set to 50.
  • The max attribute specifies the maximum value of the progress, representing the total amount of work required for the task, which in this case is set to 100.
  • The text "Downloading progress:" before the <progress> element provides a description or context for the progress indicator.

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