
HTML CSS Exercise: Calculating Values With CSS3 calc()


HTML Code:

<!doctype html>
<title>HTML CSS Exercise - calculating values with CSS3</title><!-- Set the title of the HTML page -->
<style type="text/css">
/* CSS styles start here */

	/* Calculate the width */
	width: calc(500px - 10%); /* Set the width of the container using the calc() function to subtract 10% from 500px */

	background-color:#ec8007; /* Set the background color of the container */
	color:#fff; /* Set the text color of the container */
	text-align:center; /* Center-align the text within the container */
	padding:10px; /* Add padding around the content of the container */
	margin: 0 auto; /* Center the container horizontally on the page */

/* CSS styles end here */
<div class="container"><!-- Create a container div for content -->
	<p>CSS3 <em>calc</em> example</p><!-- Add a paragraph with emphasized text inside the container -->


  • This HTML code demonstrates the use of CSS3's calc() function to calculate values.
  • In the CSS, the .container class is defined to style a container div.
  • The width property of the container is set using the calc() function, which subtracts 10% from 500px.
  • This allows for responsive design, where the container width adjusts dynamically based on the viewport size.
  • Other styles like background color, text color, text alignment, padding, and margin are applied to the container for visual appearance and layout.
  • Inside the container, there is a paragraph element with emphasized text, serving as an example content.

Live Demo :

See the Pen calculate-values-with-calc()-answer by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

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