
CSS Properties: How to specify intrinsic width or height of the corresponding image slice?

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HTML Code:

<!DOCTYPE html><!-- Declaration of HTML5 document type -->
<title>How to specify intrinsic width or height of the corresponding image slice</title><!-- Title of the HTML document -->
/* CSS styling */
#img1 {
  border: 15px solid transparent; /* Sets a transparent solid border with 15px width for the element with id "img1" */
  padding: 15px; /* Adds 15px padding to the element with id "img1" */
  border-image-source: url("https://www.w3resource.com/w3r_images/border.png"); /* Specifies the border image source */
  border-image-repeat: round; /* Sets the border image to be repeated and rounded */
  border-image-slice: 30; /* Sets the size of the border image slices to 30 */
  border-image-width: auto; /* Specifies that the width of the border image slice should be its intrinsic width */
<p id="img1">border-image-width: auto;</p><!-- Displays the text "border-image-width: auto;" -->


  • This HTML document demonstrates how to specify the intrinsic width or height of the corresponding image slice using the border-image-width property.
  • The element with id "img1" is styled to have a transparent solid border with 15px width and 15px padding.
  • It also uses a border image sourced from "https://www.w3resource.com/w3r_images/border.png", with the border image slices set to 30 and the border image repeated and rounded.
  • border-image-width: auto; specifies that the width of the border image slice should be its intrinsic width, allowing it to adjust automatically based on the image's dimensions.

Live Demo:

See the Pen border-image-width-auto-answer by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

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