
CSS Properties: How to use grid element using the grid auto placement rules?

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HTML Code:

<!DOCTYPE html><!-- Declares the document type and version of HTML -->
<html><!-- Begins the HTML document -->
<head><!-- Contains metadata and links to external resources -->
<title>How to use grid element using the grid auto placement rules</title><!-- Sets the title of the document -->
<style type="text/css"> /* Starts CSS styling */
body{ /* Styles applied to the body element */
    margin: 50px; /* Sets the margin around the body content */
.wrapper{ /* Defines a CSS class named wrapper for the grid container */
    display: grid /* Sets the display property to grid */
	grid-template-columns: 100px 10px 100px 10px 100px; /* Defines the width of grid columns */
	grid-template-row: auto 50px auto; /* Defines the height of grid rows */
	background-color: #ff99CC; /* Sets the background color of the wrapper */
	color: #FF0000; /* Sets the text color of the wrapper */
.box { /* Defines a CSS class named box for grid items */
    background-color: #0000FF; /* Sets the background color of the boxes */
    color: #66FF00; /* Sets the text color of the boxes */
	border-radius: 20px; /* Sets the border radius to create rounded corners */
	padding: 20px; /* Sets padding inside the boxes */
	font-size: 100%; /* Sets the font size of the text inside the boxes */
</style><!-- Ends CSS styling -->
<div class="wrapper"><!-- Begins the wrapper container for grid items -->
<div class="box a">HTML5</div><!-- Grid item with class 'box' and unique class 'a' -->
<div class="box b">PHP</div><!-- Grid item with class 'box' and unique class 'b' -->
<div class="box c">SQL</div><!-- Grid item with class 'box' and unique class 'c' -->
<div class="box d">MYSQL</div><!-- Grid item with class 'box' and unique class 'd' -->
<div class="box e">JavaScript</div><!-- Grid item with class 'box' and unique class 'e' -->
<div class="box f">Python</div><!-- Grid item with class 'box' and unique class 'f' -->
</div><!-- Ends the wrapper container -->
</html><!-- Ends the HTML document -->


  • This HTML document showcases the usage of CSS Grid layout for arranging elements.
  • CSS comments are added to explain each section of the code.
  • The CSS styles the body, wrapper container, and grid items with specific properties like margin, display, colors, padding, border radius, and font size.
  • The HTML contains a wrapper div with class "wrapper" serving as the grid container, and multiple div elements with class "box" serving as grid items.
  • Each box has a unique class name (a, b, c, d, e, f) for customization purposes.

Live Demo:

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