
CSS Properties: How to specify where to navigate when using the arrow keys

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HTML Code:

<!DOCTYPE html><!-- Declares the document type and version of HTML -->
<html><!-- Begins the HTML document -->
<head><!-- Contains metadata and links to external resources -->
<title>How to specify where to navigate when using the arrow keys</title><!-- Sets the title of the document -->
<style type="text/css"> /* Starts CSS styling */
button { /* Selects all button elements */
    position: absolute; /* Sets the position of the buttons to absolute */
} /* Ends the button styling */

button#w3r1 { /* Selects the button with id "w3r1" */
    top: 20%; left: 25%; /* Sets the position of the button */
    nav-index: 1; /* Specifies the navigation index of the button */
    nav-right: #b2; nav-left: #b4; /* Specifies the element to navigate to when pressing the right or left arrow keys */
    nav-down: #b2; nav-up: #b4; /* Specifies the element to navigate to when pressing the down or up arrow keys */
    color: #3333CC; /* Sets the color of the button */
} /* Ends the styling for button#w3r1 */

button#w3r2 { /* Selects the button with id "w3r2" */
    top: 40%; left: 50%; /* Sets the position of the button */
    nav-index: 2; /* Specifies the navigation index of the button */
    nav-right: #b3; nav-left: #b1; /* Specifies the element to navigate to when pressing the right or left arrow keys */
    nav-down: #b3; nav-up: #b1; /* Specifies the element to navigate to when pressing the down or up arrow keys */
	color: #3333CC; /* Sets the color of the button */
} /* Ends the styling for button#w3r2 */

button#w3r3 { /* Selects the button with id "w3r3" */
    top: 70%; left: 25%; /* Sets the position of the button */
    nav-index: 3; /* Specifies the navigation index of the button */
    nav-right: #b4; nav-left: #b2; /* Specifies the element to navigate to when pressing the right or left arrow keys */
    nav-down: #b4; nav-up: #b2; /* Specifies the element to navigate to when pressing the down or up arrow keys */
	color: #3333CC; /* Sets the color of the button */
} /* Ends the styling for button#w3r3 */

button#w3r4 { /* Selects the button with id "w3r4" */
    top: 40%; left: 0%; /* Sets the position of the button */
    nav-index: 4; /* Specifies the navigation index of the button */
    nav-right: #b1; nav-left: #b3; /* Specifies the element to navigate to when pressing the right or left arrow keys */
    nav-down: #b1; nav-up: #b3; /* Specifies the element to navigate to when pressing the down or up arrow keys */
	color: #3333CC; /* Sets the color of the button */
} /* Ends the styling for button#w3r4 */
</style><!-- Ends CSS styling -->
</head><!-- Ends the head section -->
<body><!-- Begins the body of the document -->
<p>w3resource Tutorial</p><!-- Paragraph element with text content -->
<button id="w3r1">Button 1</button><!-- Button element with id "w3r1" -->
<button id="w3r2">Button 2</button><!-- Button element with id "w3r2" -->
<button id="w3r3">Button 3</button><!-- Button element with id "w3r3" -->
<button id="w3r4">Button 4</button><!-- Button element with id "w3r4" -->
</body><!-- Ends the body section -->
</html><!-- Ends the HTML document -->


  • This HTML document demonstrates how to specify the navigation behavior for arrow keys using CSS properties.
  • CSS comments are added to explain each section of the code.
  • Each button is styled individually using CSS.
  • Navigation properties such as nav-index, nav-right, nav-left, nav-down, and nav-up are used to define the navigation behavior when arrow keys are pressed.
  • The color property sets the color of the buttons.

Live Demo:

See the Pen nav-index-answer by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

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