
HTML-CSS: Perspective transform on hover

HTML-CSS : Exercise-9 with Solution

Using HTML, CSS apply a perspective transform with a hover animation to an element.

  • Use transform with the perspective() and rotateY() functions to create a perspective for the element.
  • Use a transition to update the transform attribute's value on hover.
  • Change the rotateY() value to negative to mirror the perspective effect from left to right.

HTML Code:

<!--License: https://bit.ly/3GjrtVF--><!-- License information -->
<!DOCTYPE html><!-- Document type declaration -->
<html><!-- Opening html tag -->
<head><!-- Opening head tag -->
<meta charset="utf-8"><!-- Character encoding -->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"><!-- Viewport meta tag -->
<title>Using HTML, CSS apply a perspective transform with a hover animation to an element</title><!-- Title of the webpage -->
</head><!-- Closing head tag -->
<body><!-- Opening body tag -->
<strong>Preview:</strong><br><!-- Preview heading -->
<div class="card-container"><!-- Container for image cards -->
<div class="image-card perspective-left"></div><!-- Image card with perspective transform to the left -->
<div class="image-card perspective-right"></div><!-- Image card with perspective transform to the right -->
</div><!-- Closing card-container div -->
</body><!-- Closing body tag -->
</html><!-- Closing html tag -->


  • The HTML code defines the structure of the webpage, including the document type declaration, metadata, title, and content.
  • Comments are used to explain each line of HTML code, including the document type declaration, charset, viewport meta tag, title, and the structure of the preview section with image cards.
  • The code consists of a preview section containing two image cards within a container.
  • Each image card has a class specifying its perspective transform direction (left or right).

CSS Code:

/* Opening style tag for CSS */

   border: 1px solid #cccfdb; /* Border style for w3rcontainer */
   border-radius: 2px; /* Border radius for w3rcontainer */

.image-card {
  display: inline-block; /* Displaying image-card as inline-block */
  box-sizing: border-box; /* Including padding and border in element's total width and height */
  margin: 1rem; /* Margin around the image-card */
  width: 240px; /* Width of the image-card */
  height: 320px; /* Height of the image-card */
  padding: 8px; /* Padding inside the image-card */
  border-radius: 1rem; /* Border radius for the image-card */
  background: url("https://www.w3resource.com/html-css-exercise/html-css-practical-exercises/flower-2.jpeg"); /* Background image for the image-card */
  box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25) 0px 25px 50px -12px; /* Box shadow for the image-card */

.perspective-left {
  transform: perspective(1500px) rotateY(15deg); /* Applying perspective and rotation to the left for perspective-left */
  transition: transform 1s ease 0s; /* Transition effect for perspective-left */

.perspective-left:hover {
  transform: perspective(3000px) rotateY(5deg); /* Changing perspective and rotation on hover for perspective-left */

.perspective-right {
  transform: perspective(1500px) rotateY(-15deg); /* Applying perspective and rotation to the right for perspective-right */
  transition: transform 1s ease 0s; /* Transition effect for perspective-right */

.perspective-right:hover {
  transform: perspective(3000px) rotateY(-5deg); /* Changing perspective and rotation on hover for perspective-right */

/* Closing style tag */


  • The CSS code defines the styling for the HTML elements.
  • Comments are provided for each CSS rule to explain its purpose and effect on the elements.
  • w3rcontainer class styles the container element.
  • image-card class styles the image cards, including size, margin, padding, border radius, background image, and box shadow.
  • perspective-left and perspective-right classes apply perspective transforms and rotations to the image cards.
  • Transitions are added to create smooth animation effects on hover.

HTML-CSS Editor:

See the Pen html-css-practical-exercises by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

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