
Java Polymorphism: BankAccount base class with Savings, Checking Account subclasses

Java Polymorphism: Exercise-9 with Solution

Write a Java program to create a base class BankAccount with methods deposit() and withdraw(). Create two subclasses SavingsAccount and CheckingAccount. Override the withdraw() method in each subclass to impose different withdrawal limits and fees.

Sample Solution:

Java Code:

// BankAccount.java
// Define a class named BankAccount
class BankAccount {
  // Declare a private double variable balance
  private double balance;

  // Define a constructor that takes a double initialBalance as a parameter
  public BankAccount(double initialBalance) {
    // Assign the parameter initialBalance to the instance variable balance
    this.balance = initialBalance;

  // Define a method to get the current balance
  public double getBalance() {
    // Return the current balance
    return balance;

  // Define a method to deposit an amount to the balance
  public void deposit(double amount) {
    // Add the amount to the current balance
    balance += amount;

  // Define a method to withdraw an amount from the balance
  public void withdraw(double amount) {
    // Check if the amount to be withdrawn is less than or equal to the current balance
    if (amount <= balance) {
      // Subtract the amount from the current balance
      balance -= amount;
    } else {
      // Print "Insufficient funds." to the console if the balance is insufficient
      System.out.println("Insufficient funds.");

// SavingsAccount.java
// Define a class named SavingsAccount that extends BankAccount
class SavingsAccount extends BankAccount {
  // Declare a private double variable withdrawalLimit
  private double withdrawalLimit;

  // Define a constructor that takes a double initialBalance and a double withdrawalLimit as parameters
  public SavingsAccount(double initialBalance, double withdrawalLimit) {
    // Call the constructor of the superclass BankAccount with initialBalance
    // Assign the parameter withdrawalLimit to the instance variable withdrawalLimit
    this.withdrawalLimit = withdrawalLimit;

  // Override the withdraw method from the BankAccount class
  public void withdraw(double amount) {
    // Check if the amount to be withdrawn is less than or equal to the withdrawal limit
    if (amount <= withdrawalLimit) {
      // Call the withdraw method of the superclass BankAccount with amount
    } else {
      // Print "Withdrawal limit exceeded." to the console if the amount exceeds the withdrawal limit
      System.out.println("Withdrawal limit exceeded.");
// CheckingAccount.java
// Define a class named CheckingAccount that extends BankAccount
class CheckingAccount extends BankAccount {
  // Declare a private double variable overdraftFee
  private double overdraftFee;

  // Define a constructor that takes a double initialBalance and a double overdraftFee as parameters
  public CheckingAccount(double initialBalance, double overdraftFee) {
    // Call the constructor of the superclass BankAccount with initialBalance
    // Assign the parameter overdraftFee to the instance variable overdraftFee
    this.overdraftFee = overdraftFee;

  // Override the withdraw method from the BankAccount class
  public void withdraw(double amount) {
    // Check if the amount to be withdrawn is less than or equal to the current balance
    if (amount <= getBalance()) {
      // Call the withdraw method of the superclass BankAccount with amount
    } else {
      // Print "Overdraft fee applied." to the console if the amount exceeds the current balance
      System.out.println("Overdraft fee applied.");
      // Call the withdraw method of the superclass BankAccount with the amount plus the overdraft fee
      super.withdraw(amount + overdraftFee);
// Main.java
// Main class definition
public class Main {
  // Main method, program entry point
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Create a SavingsAccount object with a balance of 2000 and a limit of 650
    BankAccount savingsAccount = new SavingsAccount(2000, 650);
    // Create a CheckingAccount object with a balance of 1000 and a limit of 100
    BankAccount checkingAccount = new CheckingAccount(1000, 100);

    // Withdraw 300 from the savings account
    withdrawFromAccount(savingsAccount, 300);
    // Withdraw 250 from the checking account
    withdrawFromAccount(checkingAccount, 250);

    // Print the current balance of the savings account
    System.out.println("Savings Account Balance: " + savingsAccount.getBalance());
    // Print the current balance of the checking account
    System.out.println("Checking Account Balance: " + checkingAccount.getBalance());

  // Method to withdraw a specified amount from a given bank account
  public static void withdrawFromAccount(BankAccount account, double amount) {
    // Call the withdraw method on the account with the specified amount


Savings Account Balance: 1700.0
Checking Account Balance: 750.0


In the above exercise -

  • The "BankAccount" class is the base class, and SavingsAccount and CheckingAccount are its subclasses. Each subclass overrides the withdraw() method to impose different withdrawal limits and fees based on their specific rules.
  • In the "Main" class, we have a static method withdrawFromAccount(BankAccount account, double amount) that takes an object of the base class BankAccount as a parameter. Inside this method, we call the withdraw() method on the account object. Since the withdrawFromAccount method takes a BankAccount type parameter, it can accept SavingsAccount and CheckingAccount objects, thanks to polymorphism.


Flowchart: BankAccount Java
Flowchart: SavingsAccount Java
Flowchart: CheckingAccount Java
Flowchart: Main Java

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