
JavaScript: Check whether the characters a and b are separated by exactly 3 places anywhere in a given string

JavaScript Basic: Exercise-53 with Solution

Write a JavaScript program to check whether the characters a and b are separated by exactly 3 places anywhere (at least once) in a given string.

Visual Presentation:

JavaScript: Check whether the characters a and b are separated by exactly 3 places anywhere in a given string

Sample Solution:

JavaScript Code:

// Define a function named ab_Check with parameter str
function ab_Check(str) {
    // Use regular expressions to check if the pattern 'a...b' or 'b...a' exists in the given string
    // The test() method returns true if the pattern is found, otherwise, it returns false
    return (/a...b/).test(str) || (/b...a/).test(str);

// Log the result of calling ab_Check with the given strings to the console
console.log(ab_Check("pane borrowed"));



Live Demo:

See the Pen JavaScript - Check whether the characters a and b are separated by exactly 3 places - basic-ex-53 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.


Flowchart: JavaScript - Check whether the characters a and b are separated by exactly 3 places anywhere in a given string

ES6 Version:

 // Define a function named ab_Check with parameter str
const ab_Check = (str) => {
    // Use regular expressions to test if the string contains either "a...b" or "b...a" patterns
    return (/a...b/).test(str) || (/b...a/).test(str);

// Log the result of calling ab_Check with the given strings to the console
console.log(ab_Check("pane borrowed"));

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Previous: JavaScript program to convert the letters of a given string in alphabetical order.
Next: JavaScript program to count the number of vowels of a given string.

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