Kotlin Function: Personalized greeting message for user
Write a Kotlin function that takes a 'name' as an argument and prints a personalized greeting message to the user.
Pre-Knowledge (Before you start!)
- Basic Kotlin Syntax.
- Kotlin Functions.
- Function Parameters.
- String Interpolation.
- Printing Output.
Hints (Try before looking at the solution!)
- Define the Function.
- Print the Greeting.
- Call the Function.
- Test with Different Names.
- Common Errors to Avoid:
- Forgetting function parameters.
- Misplacing string interpolation syntax.
- Not handling empty or special-character inputs.
Sample Solution:
Kotlin Code:
fun welcomeUser(name: String) {
println("Hello, $name! Welcome!")
fun main() {
val name = "Mateu Odelia"
Sample Output:
Hello, Mateu Odelia! Welcome!
In the above exercise -
- The "greetUser()" function takes a "name" parameter of type String. It prints a personalized greeting message to the user by concatenating the name with a greeting phrase.
- In the "main()" function, we initialize a variable "name" with the value "Mateu Odelia" and then call the "greetUser()" function, passing the "name" variable as an argument.
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