
MongoDB Exercise - Display restaurant_id, name, borough and zip code, but exclude the field _id

Write a MongoDB query to display the fields restaurant_id, name, borough and zip code, but exclude the field _id for all the documents in the collection restaurant.

Structure of 'restaurants' collection:

  "address": {
     "building": "1007",
     "coord": [ -73.856077, 40.848447 ],
     "street": "Morris Park Ave",
     "zipcode": "10462"
  "borough": "Bronx",
  "cuisine": "Bakery",
  "grades": [
     { "date": { "$date": 1393804800000 }, "grade": "A", "score": 2 },
     { "date": { "$date": 1378857600000 }, "grade": "A", "score": 6 },
     { "date": { "$date": 1358985600000 }, "grade": "A", "score": 10 },
     { "date": { "$date": 1322006400000 }, "grade": "A", "score": 9 },
     { "date": { "$date": 1299715200000 }, "grade": "B", "score": 14 }
  "name": "Morris Park Bake Shop",
  "restaurant_id": "30075445"


db.restaurants.find({},{"restaurant_id" : 1,"name":1,"borough":1,"address.zipcode" :1,"_id":0});


{ "address" : { "zipcode" : "10019" }, "borough" : "Manhattan", "name" : "Dj Reynolds Pub And Restaurant", "restaurant_id" : "30191841" }
{ "address" : { "zipcode" : "10462" }, "borough" : "Bronx", "name" : "Morris Park Bake Shop", "restaurant_id" : "30075445" }
{ "address" : { "zipcode" : "11224" }, "borough" : "Brooklyn", "name" : "Riviera Caterer", "restaurant_id" : "40356018" }
{ "address" : { "zipcode" : "11225" }, "borough" : "Brooklyn", "name" : "Wendy'S", "restaurant_id" : "30112340" }
{ "address" : { "zipcode" : "11374" }, "borough" : "Queens", "name" : "Tov Kosher Kitchen", "restaurant_id" : "40356068" }
{ "address" : { "zipcode" : "11369" }, "borough" : "Queens", "name" : "Brunos On The Boulevard", "restaurant_id" : "40356151" }
{ "address" : { "zipcode" : "11219" }, "borough" : "Brooklyn", "name" : "Regina Caterers", "restaurant_id" : "40356649" }
{ "address" : { "zipcode" : "11234" }, "borough" : "Brooklyn", "name" : "Wilken'S Fine Food", "restaurant_id" : "40356483" }
{ "address" : { "zipcode" : "10460" }, "borough" : "Bronx", "name" : "Wild Asia", "restaurant_id" : "40357217" }
{ "address" : { "zipcode" : "11226" }, "borough" : "Brooklyn", "name" : "Taste The Tropics Ice Cream", "restaurant_id" : "40356731" }
{ "address" : { "zipcode" : "11214" }, "borough" : "Brooklyn", "name" : "C & C Catering Service", "restaurant_id" : "40357437" }
{ "address" : { "zipcode" : "11208" }, "borough" : "Brooklyn", "name" : "May May Kitchen", "restaurant_id" : "40358429" }
{ "address" : { "zipcode" : "10065" }, "borough" : "Manhattan", "name" : "1 East 66Th Street Kitchen", "restaurant_id" : "40359480" }
{ "address" : { "zipcode" : "11223" }, "borough" : "Brooklyn", "name" : "Seuda Foods", "restaurant_id" : "40360045" }
{ "address" : { "zipcode" : "11414" }, "borough" : "Queens", "name" : "Laquana King", "restaurant_id" : "50003441" }
{ "address" : { "zipcode" : "11218" }, "borough" : "Brooklyn", "name" : "Carvel Ice Cream", "restaurant_id" : "40360076" }
{ "address" : { "zipcode" : "11004" }, "borough" : "Queens", "name" : "Carvel Ice Cream", "restaurant_id" : "40361322" }
{ "address" : { "zipcode" : "11209" }, "borough" : "Brooklyn", "name" : "Nordic Delicacies", "restaurant_id" : "40361390" }
{ "address" : { "zipcode" : "11215" }, "borough" : "Brooklyn", "name" : "The Movable Feast", "restaurant_id" : "40361606" }
{ "address" : { "zipcode" : "10021" }, "borough" : "Manhattan", "name" : "Glorious Food", "restaurant_id" : "40361521" }
Type "it" for more

Note: This output is generated using MongoDB server version 3.6


The said query in MongoDB that retrieve certain fields from all documents in the 'restaurants' collection.
The first argument {} is an empty query, which means it will retrieve all documents in the collection.
The second argument is the projection parameter which includes the restaurant_id, name, borough, and the zipcode field within the address sub-document while excluding the _id field.
The zipcode field is nested within the address sub-document, so a dot notation (address.zipcode) have been used to access it in the projection.

Improve this sample solution and post your code through Disqus.

Previous: Select restaurant_id, name, borough, and cuisine, excluding the field _id.
Next: Display all the restaurant which is in the borough Bronx.

What is the difficulty level of this exercise?

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