
Oracle: List the names of those employees whose name starts with A

Oracle Wildcard special Operator: Exercise-1 with Solution

Write a query to list the names (first and last) of those employees whose name starts with A.

Sample table : employees

Sample Solution:

Oracle Code:

SELECT first_name, last_name  
FROM employees 
WHERE first_name LIKE 'A%';


-------------------- -------------------------
Amit                 Banda
Alexis               Bull
Anthony              Cabrio
Alberto              Errazuriz
Adam                 Fripp
Alexander            Hunold
Alyssa               Hutton
Alexander            Khoo
Allan                McEwen
Alana                Walsh

10 rows selected.

Pictorial Presentation:

Pictorial: List the names of those employees whose name starts with A

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Previous: Oracle Wildcard special Operators
Next: Write a query to list the names (first and last) of those employees whose last name ends with a.

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