
Oracle: List the names, hire date of those employees who joined in the month of which second character is 'u'

Oracle Wildcard special Operator: Exercise-8 with Solution

Write a query to list the names (first and last), hire date of those employees who joined in the month of which second character is 'u'.

Sample table: employees

Sample Solution:

Oracle Code :

SELECT  first_name, last_name, hire_date  
FROM employees 
WHERE to_char(hire_date, ’MON ’) LIKE ’_U%’; 


FIRST_NAME           LAST_NAME                 HIRE_DATE
-------------------- ------------------------- ---------
Steven               King                      17-JUN-03
David                Austin                    25-JUN-05
Nancy                Greenberg                 17-AUG-02
Daniel               Faviet                    16-AUG-02
Sigal                Tobias                    24-JUL-05
Karen                Colmenares                10-AUG-07
Matthew              Weiss                     18-JUL-04
Julia                Nayer                     16-JUL-05
Laura                Bissot                    20-AUG-05
Jason                Mallin                    14-JUN-04
Michael              Rogers                    26-AUG-06
Renske               Ladwig                    14-JUL-03
Peter                Vargas                    09-JUL-06
Peter                Hall                      20-AUG-05
Allan                McEwen                    01-AUG-04
Martha               Sullivan                  21-JUN-07
Julia                Dellinger                 24-JUN-06
Kelly                Chung                     14-JUN-05
Jennifer             Dilly                     13-AUG-05
Timothy              Gates                     11-JUL-06
Samuel               McCain                    01-JUL-06
Donald               OConnell                  21-JUN-07
Pat                  Fay                       17-AUG-05
Susan                Mavris                    07-JUN-02
Hermann              Baer                      07-JUN-02
Shelley              Higgins                   07-JUN-02
William              Gietz                     07-JUN-02

27 rows selected.

Pictorial Presentation:

Pictorial: List the names, hire date of those employees who joined in the month of which second character is 'u'

Improve this sample solution and post your code through Disqus.

Previous: Write a query to list the names (first and last) of the employees whose first name has only five characters and starting with 'S' and ending with 'n'.
Next: Write a query to list the names (first and last), salary of those employees whose salary is four digit number ending with Zero.

What is the difficulty level of this exercise?

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