
Python Genetic Algorithm for Optimization

Write a Python program to implement a genetic algorithm for solving optimization problems.

A genetic algorithm (GA) is a heuristic optimization technique inspired by the process of natural selection. It involves generating an initial population of potential solutions, evaluating their fitness, and iteratively applying selection, crossover, and mutation operators to evolve the population towards better solutions. The algorithm continues until a stopping criterion, such as a maximum number of generations or a satisfactory fitness level, is met. GAs are particularly useful for solving complex optimization problems where traditional methods may be inefficient or infeasible.

Sample Solution:

Python Code :

# Import the random module for generating random numbers
import random
# Import the numpy module for numerical operations
import numpy as np

# Problem definition: Example function to optimize (e.g., Rastrigin function)
def rastrigin(x):
    # Define the constant A
    A = 10
    # Compute the Rastrigin function value for the input x
    return A * len(x) + sum([(xi**2 - A * np.cos(2 * np.pi * xi)) for xi in x])

# GA Parameters
# Set the population size
population_size = 100
# Set the genome length (number of genes in a chromosome)
genome_length = 10
# Set the crossover rate
crossover_rate = 0.8
# Set the mutation rate
mutation_rate = 0.01
# Set the number of generations
num_generations = 100
# Define the bounds for the gene values
bounds = [-5.12, 5.12]

# Initialization
def initialize_population(pop_size, genome_len, bounds):
    # Generate a population of random individuals within the given bounds
    return [np.random.uniform(bounds[0], bounds[1], genome_len) for _ in range(pop_size)]

# Fitness function
def evaluate_fitness(population):
    # Evaluate the fitness of each individual in the population using the Rastrigin function
    return [rastrigin(individual) for individual in population]

# Selection (Tournament Selection)
def tournament_selection(population, fitness, tournament_size=3):
    # Initialize the list of selected individuals
    selected = []
    # Select individuals based on tournament selection
    for _ in range(len(population)):
        # Choose random aspirants for the tournament
        aspirants = [random.randint(0, len(population) - 1) for _ in range(tournament_size)]
        # Select the individual with the best fitness among the aspirants
        selected.append(min(aspirants, key=lambda aspirant: fitness[aspirant]))
    # Return the selected individuals
    return [population[i] for i in selected]

# Crossover (Single Point Crossover)
def single_point_crossover(parent1, parent2):
    # Perform crossover with a given probability
    if random.random() < crossover_rate:
        # Choose a random crossover point
        point = random.randint(1, len(parent1) - 1)
        # Create children by combining the parents at the crossover point
        child1 = np.concatenate([parent1[:point], parent2[point:]])
        child2 = np.concatenate([parent2[:point], parent1[point:]])
        # Return the children
        return child1, child2
    # If no crossover, return the parents as is
    return parent1, parent2

# Mutation
def mutate(individual, mutation_rate, bounds):
    # Mutate each gene with a given probability
    for i in range(len(individual)):
        if random.random() < mutation_rate:
            # Replace the gene with a random value within the bounds
            individual[i] = np.random.uniform(bounds[0], bounds[1])
    # Return the mutated individual
    return individual

# Genetic Algorithm
def genetic_algorithm():
    # Initialize the population
    population = initialize_population(population_size, genome_length, bounds)
    # Iterate over the number of generations
    for generation in range(num_generations):
        # Evaluate the fitness of the population
        fitness = evaluate_fitness(population)
        # Selection
        # Select individuals based on their fitness
        selected_population = tournament_selection(population, fitness)
        # Crossover
        # Create the next generation through crossover
        next_population = []
        for i in range(0, len(selected_population), 2):
            parent1 = selected_population[i]
            parent2 = selected_population[min(i + 1, len(selected_population) - 1)]
            child1, child2 = single_point_crossover(parent1, parent2)
            next_population.extend([child1, child2])
        # Mutation
        # Mutate the individuals in the next generation
        population = [mutate(individual, mutation_rate, bounds) for individual in next_population]
        # Evaluation
        # Re-evaluate the fitness of the new population
        fitness = evaluate_fitness(population)
        # Find the best fitness and corresponding individual
        best_fitness = min(fitness)
        best_individual = population[fitness.index(best_fitness)]
        # Print the best fitness of the current generation
        print(f'Generation {generation + 1}: Best Fitness = {best_fitness}')
    # Return the best individual found
    return best_individual

# Uncomment the line below to run the genetic algorithm
best_solution = genetic_algorithm()
# Print the best solution found
print("Best solution found:", best_solution)


Generation 1: Best Fitness = 110.85587631209354
Generation 2: Best Fitness = 83.55558953479647
Generation 3: Best Fitness = 83.55558953479647
Generation 4: Best Fitness = 73.01303728939105
Generation 5: Best Fitness = 63.49980511636931
Generation 6: Best Fitness = 54.95357841273925
Generation 7: Best Fitness = 52.164657308731805
Generation 8: Best Fitness = 41.53442355084143
Generation 9: Best Fitness = 40.77655529061664
Generation 10: Best Fitness = 32.3028275826227
Generation 11: Best Fitness = 31.703605071195994
Generation 12: Best Fitness = 26.945249768931816
Generation 13: Best Fitness = 25.17456565689244
Generation 14: Best Fitness = 24.305561725047113
Generation 15: Best Fitness = 23.7537672807303
Generation 16: Best Fitness = 20.538189461578256
Generation 17: Best Fitness = 20.538189461578256
Generation 18: Best Fitness = 17.82192103629376
Generation 19: Best Fitness = 15.660458167383922
Generation 20: Best Fitness = 15.660458167383922
Generation 21: Best Fitness = 15.660458167383922
Generation 22: Best Fitness = 15.660458167383922
Generation 23: Best Fitness = 15.660458167383922
Generation 24: Best Fitness = 15.660458167383922
Generation 25: Best Fitness = 15.660458167383922
Generation 26: Best Fitness = 15.660458167383922
Generation 27: Best Fitness = 11.219758723842418
Generation 28: Best Fitness = 11.219758723842418
Generation 29: Best Fitness = 11.219758723842418
Generation 30: Best Fitness = 10.304030841022396
Generation 31: Best Fitness = 9.879221918189913
Generation 32: Best Fitness = 9.879221918189913
Generation 33: Best Fitness = 8.96349403536989
Generation 34: Best Fitness = 8.96349403536989
Generation 35: Best Fitness = 8.96349403536989
Generation 36: Best Fitness = 8.520190466016146
Generation 37: Best Fitness = 8.520190466016146
Generation 38: Best Fitness = 8.520190466016146
Generation 39: Best Fitness = 8.520190466016146
Generation 40: Best Fitness = 8.520190466016146
Generation 41: Best Fitness = 7.490863078858169
Generation 42: Best Fitness = 8.50795948797564
Generation 43: Best Fitness = 8.50795948797564
Generation 44: Best Fitness = 8.50795948797564
Generation 45: Best Fitness = 8.50795948797564
Generation 46: Best Fitness = 8.1156522074876
Generation 47: Best Fitness = 8.1156522074876
Generation 48: Best Fitness = 8.1156522074876
Generation 49: Best Fitness = 8.1156522074876
Generation 50: Best Fitness = 8.1156522074876
Generation 51: Best Fitness = 8.045668696125716
Generation 52: Best Fitness = 8.045668696125716
Generation 53: Best Fitness = 8.045668696125716
Generation 54: Best Fitness = 8.045668696125716
Generation 55: Best Fitness = 8.045668696125716
Generation 56: Best Fitness = 8.045668696125716
Generation 57: Best Fitness = 8.045668696125716
Generation 58: Best Fitness = 6.103864693961185
Generation 59: Best Fitness = 6.103864693961185
Generation 60: Best Fitness = 6.103864693961185
Generation 61: Best Fitness = 6.103864693961185
Generation 62: Best Fitness = 6.103864693961185
Generation 63: Best Fitness = 6.103864693961185
Generation 64: Best Fitness = 6.103864693961185
Generation 65: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 66: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 67: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 68: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 69: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 70: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 71: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 72: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 73: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 74: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 75: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 76: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 77: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 78: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 79: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 80: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 81: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 82: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 83: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 84: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 85: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 86: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 87: Best Fitness = 5.093520351378899
Generation 88: Best Fitness = 5.0417512241617
Generation 89: Best Fitness = 5.0417512241617
Generation 90: Best Fitness = 5.0417512241617
Generation 91: Best Fitness = 5.0417512241617
Generation 92: Best Fitness = 5.0417512241617
Generation 93: Best Fitness = 5.0417512241617
Generation 94: Best Fitness = 5.0417512241617
Generation 95: Best Fitness = 5.0417512241617
Generation 96: Best Fitness = 5.0417512241617
Generation 97: Best Fitness = 5.0417512241617
Generation 98: Best Fitness = 5.0417512241617
Generation 99: Best Fitness = 5.0417512241617
Generation 100: Best Fitness = 5.0417512241617
Best solution found: [-1.01648779 -0.01999725  0.05078325  1.00710074  1.00313334  0.01685534
  0.00182741  0.00903347  1.02140595 -0.02554318]


  • Import the necessary modules: "random" for generating random numbers and "numpy" for numerical operations.
  • Define the Rastrigin function to optimize.
  • Set genetic algorithm parameters: population size, genome length, crossover rate, mutation rate, number of generations, and bounds for gene values.
  • Define a function to initialize the population with random individuals within the given bounds.
  • Define a function to evaluate the fitness of each individual in the population using the Rastrigin function.
  • Implement tournament selection to select individuals based on their fitness.
  • Implement single-point crossover to create new individuals by combining parts of parent chromosomes.
  • Implement mutation to introduce random changes to individuals with a certain probability.
  • Define the main genetic algorithm function:
  • Initialize the population.
  • Iterate over the number of generations:
    • Evaluate the fitness of the population.
    • Select individuals based on fitness.
    • Perform crossover to create the next generation.
    • Apply mutation to the next generation.
    • Re-evaluate fitness of the new population.
    • Track and print the best fitness of each generation.
  • Return the best individual found.

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