
Python: Display the date and time in a human-friendly string

Python Datetime: Exercise-34 with Solution

Write a Python program to display the date and time in a human-friendly string.

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

# Import the time module
import time
# Print an empty line
# Print the current time in a human-readable format
# Print an empty line


Mon May  8 13:04:35 2017 


In the exercise above,

  • The code imports the "time" module, which provides various functions for working with time-related tasks in Python.
  • It prints an empty line using the "print()" function. This is just for formatting purposes to add a blank line before the next output.
  • It prints the current time using the "ctime()" function from the "time" module. This function returns a string representing the current local time in a human-readable format.
  • Next it prints another empty line using the "print()" function.


Flowchart: Display the date and time in a human-friendly string.

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Previous: Write a Python program to calculate number of days between two datetimes.
Next: Write a Python program to convert a date to Unix timestamp.

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