
Python: Get different time values with components timezone, timezone abbreviations

Python Datetime: Exercise-57 with Solution

Write a Python program to get different time values with components timezone, timezone abbreviations, the offset of the local (non-DST) timezone, DST timezone and time of different timezones.

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

# Import the time module
import time
# Import the os module
import os

# Define a function named zone_info to print timezone information
def zone_info():
   # Print the current value of the TZ environment variable
   print('TZ   :', os.environ.get('TZ', '(not set)'))
   # Print the timezone abbreviations (Eastern, Pacific, etc.)
   print('Timezone abbreviations:', time.tzname)
   # Print the timezone offset from UTC in seconds, and in hours
   print('Timezone : {} ({})'.format(
       time.timezone, (time.timezone / 3600)))
   # Print whether daylight saving time (DST) is in effect
   print('DST timezone ', time.daylight)
   # Print the current time with formatting (%X: time, %x: date, %Z: timezone)
   print('Time :', time.strftime('%X %x %Z'),'\n')

# Print a message indicating default timezone
print('Default Zone:')
# Call the zone_info function to print information about the default timezone

# Define a list of timezones to be tested

# Iterate over each timezone in the TIME_ZONES list
for zone in TIME_ZONES:
   # Set the TZ environment variable to the current timezone
   os.environ['TZ'] = zone
   # Apply the timezone change
   # Print the current timezone
   print(zone, ':')
   # Call the zone_info function to print information about the current timezone


Default Zone:
TZ   : (not set)
Timezone abbreviations: ('UTC', 'UTC')
Timezone : 0 (0.0)
DST timezone  0
Time : 11:30:05 04/13/21 UTC 

Pacific/Auckland :
TZ   : Pacific/Auckland
Timezone abbreviations: ('NZST', 'NZDT')
Timezone : -43200 (-12.0)
DST timezone  1
Time : 23:30:05 04/13/21 NZST 

Europe/Berlin :
TZ   : Europe/Berlin
Timezone abbreviations: ('CET', 'CEST')
Timezone : -3600 (-1.0)
DST timezone  1
Time : 13:30:05 04/13/21 CEST 

America/Detroit :
TZ   : America/Detroit
Timezone abbreviations: ('EST', 'EDT')
Timezone : 18000 (5.0)
DST timezone  1
Time : 07:30:05 04/13/21 EDT 

Singapore :
TZ   : Singapore
Timezone abbreviations: ('+08', '+08')
Timezone : -28800 (-8.0)
DST timezone  0
Time : 19:30:05 04/13/21 +08 


In the exercise above,

  • The code imports the "time" and "os" modules.
  • It defines a function named "zone_info()" to print timezone information, such as the value of the "TZ" environment variable, timezone abbreviations, timezone offset from UTC, and whether daylight saving time (DST) is in effect.
  • It prints a message indicating the default timezone and calls the "zone_info()" function to print information about it.
  • It defines a list of timezones ('TIME_ZONES') to be tested.
  • It iterates over each timezone in the 'TIME_ZONES' list.
  • Inside the loop:
    • It sets the 'TZ' environment variable to the current timezone.
    • It applies the timezone change using "time.tzset()".
    • It prints the name of the current timezone.
    • It calls the "zone_info()" function to print information about the current timezone.


Flowchart: Get different time values with components timezone, timezone abbreviations.

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