
Python circle area check using Boolean logic

Python Boolean Data Type: Exercise-9 with Solution

Write a Python program that creates a function that determines if a given point (x, y) is within a specified circle area using boolean conditions.

Sample Solution:


import math

def check_point_in_circle(x, y, center_x, center_y, radius):
    distance = math.sqrt((x - center_x)**2 + (y - center_y)**2)
    return distance <= radius

def main():
        center_x = float(input("Input x-coordinate of the circle center: "))
        center_y = float(input("Input y-coordinate of the circle center: "))
        radius = float(input("Input the radius of the circle: "))
        point_x = float(input("Input x-coordinate of the point: "))
        point_y = float(input("Input y-coordinate of the point: "))
        if check_point_in_circle(point_x, point_y, center_x, center_y, radius):
            print("The point is within the circle area.")
            print("The point is not within the circle area.")
    except ValueError:
        print("Invalid input. Please Input valid coordinates and radius.")

if __name__ == "__main__":


Input x-coordinate of the circle center: 10
Input y-coordinate of the circle center: 10
Input the radius of the circle: 50
Input x-coordinate of the point: 2
Input y-coordinate of the point: 3
The point is within the circle area.
Input x-coordinate of the circle center: 5
Input y-coordinate of the circle center: 4
Input the radius of the circle: 4
Input x-coordinate of the point: 8
Input y-coordinate of the point: 9
The point is not within the circle area.

In the exercise above the program prompts the user to input the coordinates of the circle's center, the radius of the circle, and the coordinates of the point. Based on the distance between the point and the circle center, "is_point_in_circle()" determines if the point is within the circle area. It prints the appropriate message based on the results.


Flowchart: Python circle area check using Boolean logic.

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