Python: Read a matrix from console and print the sum for each column
Sum Matrix Columns from Console Input
Write a Python program to read a matrix from the console and print the sum for each column. As input from the user, accept matrix rows, columns, and elements separated by a space (each row).
Visual Presentation:

Sample Solution:
Python Code:
# Prompt the user to input the number of rows for the matrix
rows = int(input("Input rows: "))
# Prompt the user to input the number of columns for the matrix
columns = int(input("Input columns: "))
# Create a 2D matrix filled with zeros using list comprehensions based on the number of rows and columns
matrix = [[0]*columns for row in range(rows)]
# Prompt the user to input the elements for each row in the matrix
print('Input number of elements in a row (1, 2, 3): ')
for row in range(rows):
# Read a line of space-separated integers and convert them to a list of integers
lines = list(map(int, input().split()))
for column in range(columns):
# Populate the matrix with the input elements
matrix[row][column] = lines[column]
# Create a list 'sum' initialized with zeros to store the sum for each column
sum = [0]*columns
# Print a message indicating the calculation of the sum for each column
print("Sum for each column:")
# Iterate over each column
for column in range(columns):
# Calculate the sum of the elements in the current column by iterating through the rows
for row in range(rows):
sum[column] += matrix[row][column]
# Print the sum for the current column followed by a space
print((sum[column]), ' ', end = '')
Sample Output:
Input rows: 2 Input columns: 2 Input number of elements in a row (1, 2, 3): 1 2 3 4 sum for each column: 4 6

Python Code Editor:
Previous: Write a Python program to create a 3X3 grid with numbers.
Next: Write a Python program to read a square matrix from console and print the sum of matrix primary diagonal. Accept the size of the square matrix and elements for each column separated with a space (for every row) as input from the user.
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