
Compare data aggregation using groupby vs. manual iteration in Pandas

Pandas: Performance Optimization Exercise-6 with Solution

Write a Pandas program that uses the groupby method to aggregate data and compares performance with manually iterating through the DataFrame.

Sample Solution :

Python Code :

import pandas as pd  # Import the Pandas library
import numpy as np  # Import the NumPy library
import time  # Import the time module to measure execution time

# Create a sample DataFrame
np.random.seed(0)  # Set seed for reproducibility
data = {
    'Category': np.random.choice(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], size=1000000),
    'Values': np.random.randint(1, 100, size=1000000)
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Define a custom aggregation function
def custom_aggregation(data):
    result = {}
    for category in data['Category'].unique():
        result[category] = data[data['Category'] == category]['Values'].sum()
    return result

# Aggregate data using the groupby method
start_time = time.time()  # Record the start time
groupby_result = df.groupby('Category')['Values'].sum()
time_groupby = time.time() - start_time  # Calculate the time taken

# Aggregate data using manual iteration
start_time = time.time()  # Record the start time
manual_result = custom_aggregation(df)
time_manual = time.time() - start_time  # Calculate the time taken

# Print the results
print("Aggregation result using groupby:")
print("\nTime taken using groupby:", time_groupby, "seconds")

print("\nAggregation result using manual iteration:")
print("\nTime taken using manual iteration:", time_manual, "seconds")


Aggregation result using groupby:
A    12541392
B    12440541
C    12477135
D    12502875
Name: Values, dtype: int32

Time taken using groupby: 0.0588076114654541 seconds

Aggregation result using manual iteration:
{'A': 12541392, 'D': 12502875, 'B': 12440541, 'C': 12477135}

Time taken using manual iteration: 0.2567422389984131 seconds


  • Import Libraries:
    • Import the Pandas library for data manipulation.
    • Import the NumPy library for generating random data.
    • Import the time module to measure execution time.
  • Create a Sample DataFrame:
    • Set a seed for reproducibility using np.random.seed(0).
    • Create a dictionary data with a 'Category' column containing random category labels and a 'Values' column containing random integers.
    • Generate a DataFrame df using the dictionary.
  • Define Custom Aggregation Function:
    • Create a function custom_aggregation(data) to manually iterate through the DataFrame and aggregate the 'Values' column based on the 'Category' column.
  • Aggregate Data Using groupby:
    • Record the start time using time.time().
    • Use the groupby method to aggregate the 'Values' column by 'Category' and calculate the sum.
    • Calculate the time taken by subtracting the start time from the current time.
  • Aggregate Data Using Manual Iteration:
    • Record the start time using time.time().
    • Use the custom_aggregation function to manually iterate through the DataFrame and aggregate the 'Values' column based on the 'Category' column.
    • Calculate the time taken by subtracting the start time from the current time.
  • Finally display the aggregation results and the time taken for both the groupby method and the manual iteration method.

Python-Pandas Code Editor:

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Previous: Compare DataFrame row filtering using for loop vs. Boolean indexing.
Next: Compare DataFrame merge using merge method vs. nested for loop in Pandas.

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