Pandas: Get the information of the DataFrame including data types and memory usage
Pandas: IMDb Movies Exercise-2 with Solution
Write a Pandas program to get the information of the DataFrame (movies_metadata.csv file) including data types and memory usage.
Sample Solution:
Python Code :
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('movies_metadata.csv')
result =
print("Details of the DataFrame:")
Sample Output:
RangeIndex: 50 entries, 0 to 49 Data columns (total 24 columns): adult 50 non-null bool belongs_to_collection 10 non-null object budget 50 non-null int64 genres 50 non-null object homepage 5 non-null object id 50 non-null int64 imdb_id 50 non-null object original_language 50 non-null object original_title 50 non-null object overview 49 non-null object popularity 50 non-null float64 poster_path 50 non-null object production_companies 50 non-null object production_countries 50 non-null object release_date 50 non-null object revenue 50 non-null int64 runtime 50 non-null float64 spoken_languages 50 non-null object status 50 non-null object tagline 41 non-null object title 50 non-null object video 50 non-null bool vote_average 50 non-null float64 vote_count 50 non-null int64 dtypes: bool(2), float64(3), int64(4), object(15) memory usage: 8.8+ KB Details of the DataFrame: None
Python-Pandas Code Editor:
Sample Table:
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Previous: Write a Pandas program to get the columns of the DataFrame (movies_metadata.csv file).
Next: Write a Pandas program to get the details of the third movie of the DataFrame (movies_metadata.csv file).
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