
Pandas: Remove repetitive characters from the specified column of a given DataFrame

Pandas: String and Regular Expression Exercise-32 with Solution

Write a Pandas program to remove repetitive characters from the specified column of a given DataFrame.

Sample Solution:

Python Code :

import pandas as pd
import re as re
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 10)
df = pd.DataFrame({
    'text_code': ['t0001.','t0002','t0003', 't0004'],
    'text_lang': ['She livedd a long life.', 'How oold is your father?', 'What is tthe problem?','TThhis desk is used by Tom.']
print("Original DataFrame:")
def rep_char(str1):
    tchr = str1.group(0)
    if len(tchr) > 1:
        return tchr[0:1] # can change the value here on repetition
def unique_char(rep, sent_text):
    convert = re.sub(r'(\w)\1+', rep, sent_text) 
    return convert
df['normal_text']=df['text_lang'].apply(lambda x : unique_char(rep_char,x))
print("\nRemove repetitive characters:")

Sample Output:

Original DataFrame:
  text_code                    text_lang
0    t0001.      She livedd a long life.
1     t0002     How oold is your father?
2     t0003        What is tthe problem?
3     t0004  TThhis desk is used by Tom.

Remove repetitive characters:
  text_code                    text_lang                normal_text
0    t0001.      She livedd a long life.     She lived a long life.
1     t0002     How oold is your father?    How old is your father?
2     t0003        What is tthe problem?       What is the problem?
3     t0004  TThhis desk is used by Tom.  This desk is used by Tom.

Python Code Editor:

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Previous: Write a Pandas program to extract only punctuations from the specified column of a given DataFrame.
Next: Write a Pandas program to extract numbers greater than 940 from the specified column of a given DataFrame.

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