
Python: Find a string contains a vowel between two consonants, in a given string

Python Programming Puzzles: Exercise-73 with Solution

Write a Python program to find a substring in a given string that contains a vowel between two consonants.

From vocabulary.com:
A consonant is a speech sound that is not a vowel. It also refers to letters of the alphabet that represent those sounds: Z, B, T, G, and H are all consonants. Consonants are all the non-vowel sounds, or their corresponding letters: A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y are not consonants.

Input: Hello

Input: Sandwhich

Input: Python

Visual Presentation:

Python: Find a string contains a vowel between two consonants, in a given string.

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

# License: https://bit.ly/3oLErEI

# Define a function named 'test' that takes a string as input
def test(s):
    cons = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz"  # Define a string containing consonants
    vows = "aeiou"  # Define a string containing vowels
    # Use a generator expression to find a vowel between two consonants in the string
    return next(s[i - 1:i + 2] for i in range(1, len(s) - 1)
                if s[i].lower() in vows and s[i - 1].lower() in cons and s[i + 1].lower() in cons)

# Example 1
strs1 = "Hello"
print("Original string:", strs1)
print("Find a vowel between two consonants, contained in said string:")

# Example 2
strs2 = "Sandwich"
print("\nOriginal string:", strs2)
print("Find a vowel between two consonants, contained in said string:")

# Example 3
strs3 = "Python"
print("\nOriginal string:", strs3)
print("Find a vowel between two consonants, contained in said string:")

Sample Output:

Original string: Hello
Find a vowel between two consonants, contained in said string:

Original string: Sandwhich
Find a vowel between two consonants, contained in said string:

Original string: Python
Find a vowel between two consonants, contained in said string:


Flowchart: Python - Find a string contains a vowel between two consonants, in a given string.

Python Code Editor :

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Next: Find a string consisting of space-separated characters with given counts.

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