
What are async and await keywords in Python?

Exploring Python's async and await Keywords

Python uses "async" and "await" to define and work with asynchronous code. They are a fundamental part of the asynchronous programming model introduced in Python 3.5 and are used in conjunction with the "asyncio" module.

async: The async keyword defines an asynchronous function, also known as a coroutine. When a function is defined with the 'async' keyword, it becomes an asynchronous function. Its execution can be paused and resumed using the 'await' keyword.


async def test_async_function():
    # Asynchronous code here
    await some_other_async_function()
    # More asynchronous code here

await: The 'await' keyword is used within an asynchronous function (coroutine) to pause the execution of the function until an awaitable object is ready. An awaitable object can be an asynchronous function, a coroutine, or a future object.

When an 'await' statement is encountered, the coroutine suspends its execution, allowing the event loop to continue processing other tasks. Once the 'awaited' object is ready, the coroutine continues execution from where it left off.


async def test_async_function():
    result = await some_other_async_function()
    # Use the result after it's ready

Together, 'async' and 'await' provide a convenient way to work with asynchronous code in Python. With the 'asyncio' module, asynchronous functions can be awaited and their execution managed efficiently.

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