
Python exception handling: Try, Except, Finally blocks

What is the purpose of the try, except, and finally blocks in Python exception handling?

The try, except, and finally blocks in Python are used for handling exceptions and cleaning up resources. They allow you to control your program's flow when exceptions occur. Here's the purpose of each block:

Try Block:

The "try" block is used to enclose code that might raise an exception. When an exception occurs within the try block, control is immediately transferred to the corresponding "except" block (if present). The "try" block is where you specify the code that you want to monitor for exceptions.

Except Block:

The "except" block is where you handle specific exceptions that might occur within the "try" block. If an exception matches the type specified in the "except" block, the code within that block will be executed.

Finally Block:

The "finally" block is used to specify code that should always be executed, regardless of whether an exception occurs or not. It's often used to clean files, release resources, or disconnect databases. The code in the "finally" block will run whether an exception was raised or not. This makes it suitable for tasks that need to be executed no matter what.


   # Code that could raise an exception
except ValueError:
   # Handle ValueError exception 
except (TypeError, NameError):
   # Handle multiple exception types
   # Handle any other exceptions
   # Execute cleanup code

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