
Ruby Basic Exercises: Create a string using the first two characters

Ruby Basic: Exercise-35 with Solution

Write a Ruby program to create a string using the first two characters (if present) of a given string if the first character is 'p' and second one is 's' otherwise return a blank string.

Ruby Basic Exercises:  Create a string using the first two characters

Ruby Code:

def text_test(str)
   len = str.length();
   temp = "";
	if(len >= 1)
	   if(str.slice(0) == 'p')
			temp += str.slice(0);
		if(len >= 2)
			if(str.slice(1) == 's')
			temp += str.slice(1);
  return temp;
print text_test("psabcd"),"\n"
print text_test("abcd")




Flowchart: Create a string using the first two characters

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Previous: Write a Ruby program to check whether a string 'Java' appears at index 1 in a given sting, if 'Java' appears return the string without 'Java' otherwise return the string unchanged.
Next: Write a Ruby program to check two integers and return whichever value is nearest to the value 10, or return 0 if two integers are equal.

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