
AdventureWorks Database: Include the contents of the ProductModelID and Name columns

SQL Query - AdventureWorks: Exercise-200 with Solution

200. Create a table public.gloves from Production.ProductModel for the ProductModelID 3 and 4.
From the following table write a query in SQL to include the contents of the ProductModelID and Name columns of both the tables.

Sample table: Production.ProductModel

productmodelid|name                       |catalogdescription|instructions|rowguid                             |modifieddate           |
             1|Classic Vest               |                  |            |29321d47-1e4c-4aac-887c-19634328c25e|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
             2|Cycling Cap                |                  |            |474fb654-3c96-4cb9-82df-2152eeffbdb0|2011-05-01 00:00:00.000|
             3|Full-Finger Gloves         |                  |            |a75483fe-3c47-4aa4-93cf-664b51192987|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
             4|Half-Finger Gloves         |                  |            |14b56f2a-d4aa-40a4-b9a2-984f165ed702|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
             5|HL Mountain Frame          |                  |            |fdd5407b-c2db-49d1-a86b-c13a2e3582a2|2011-05-01 00:00:00.000|
             6|HL Road Frame              |                  |            |4d332ecc-48b3-4e04-b7e7-227f3ac2a7ec|2008-03-31 00:00:00.000|
             7|HL Touring Frame           |                  |[XML]       |d60ed2a5-c100-4c54-89a1-531404c4a20f|2015-04-15 16:34:28.980|
             8|LL Mountain Frame          |                  |            |65bf3f6d-bcf2-4db6-8515-fc5c57423037|2012-10-19 09:56:38.273|
             9|LL Road Frame              |                  |            |ddc67a2f-024a-4446-9b54-3c679baba708|2011-05-01 00:00:00.000|
            10|LL Touring Frame           |                  |[XML]       |66c63844-2a24-473c-96d5-d3b3fd57d834|2015-04-15 16:34:28.980|
            11|Long-Sleeve Logo Jersey    |                  |            |20efe3f1-a2f8-4dde-b74b-18265f61f863|2011-05-01 00:00:00.000|
            12|Men's Bib-Shorts           |                  |            |219e2f87-26a9-483b-b968-04578e943096|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            13|Men's Sports Shorts        |                  |            |45fe0d77-6645-473c-a116-1232baea8d43|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            14|ML Mountain Frame          |                  |            |0d48c51d-7603-4010-9265-0491805bb010|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            15|ML Mountain Frame-W        |                  |            |aa77697c-6d1c-48f1-845c-3cb089498715|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            16|ML Road Frame              |                  |            |3494e8ff-7daf-4860-abf6-97842048e272|2011-05-01 00:00:00.000|
            17|ML Road Frame-W            |                  |            |ca18ecfd-2023-4fa7-a556-0321153bca34|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            18|Mountain Bike Socks        |                  |            |36b1a76a-dff3-4a55-86f9-65eb1cb18d7b|2011-05-01 00:00:00.000|
            19|Mountain-100               |[XML]             |            |fca0665b-b956-489a-a5ec-6f0b4aa14d02|2011-05-01 00:00:00.000|
            20|Mountain-200               |                  |            |3b78edff-2aa9-4ac1-8c3d-94090b5f53a9|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            21|Mountain-300               |                  |            |ecddd0d7-2db2-464d-b2da-89bffc6276aa|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            22|Mountain-400-W             |                  |            |6d2fcce4-ffce-4662-a3f8-5d18f0eedcd8|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            23|Mountain-500               |[XML]             |            |866dbad3-5999-4329-beac-d826d959d9a1|2012-10-19 09:56:38.273|
            24|Racing Socks               |                  |            |bd8ba6f8-7e16-4fa3-b3b3-2036dd4a2ae0|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            25|Road-150                   |[XML]             |            |94ffb702-0cbc-4e3f-b840-c51f0d11c8f6|2011-05-01 00:00:00.000|
            26|Road-250                   |                  |            |3770c5e3-8dc9-43c7-b735-7aff21645d96|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            27|Road-350-W                 |                  |            |dfe49035-7720-4ff4-b28b-16250ee46259|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            28|Road-450                   |[XML]             |            |8456bb94-b4dd-4a47-a76b-d0e54ab4285d|2011-05-01 00:00:00.000|
            29|Road-550-W                 |                  |            |f85f84f2-9ce0-4ecc-9c29-e78021ffc877|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            30|Road-650                   |                  |            |42e1c597-6dd9-4071-b1a5-1dc5cdcbdbca|2011-05-01 00:00:00.000|
            31|Road-750                   |                  |            |2bf795f4-2666-4691-af14-d490c7334a8a|2012-10-19 09:56:38.273|
            32|Short-Sleeve Classic Jersey|                  |            |6beccf2d-eacd-496b-995b-d692567565cd|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            33|Sport-100                  |                  |            |47f7c450-d16a-4cea-be6e-2d6c8c8f81ee|2011-05-01 00:00:00.000|
            34|Touring-1000               |[XML]             |            |52e7f2c1-dbff-4518-927d-c7d46f9ed32e|2012-10-19 09:56:38.273|
            35|Touring-2000               |[XML]             |            |aa10d9e6-e33f-4da8-ace1-992fcd6bb171|2012-10-19 09:56:38.273|
            36|Touring-3000               |                  |            |f5a6ec78-4451-45db-955f-db197de8b059|2012-10-19 09:56:38.273|
            37|Women's Mountain Shorts    |                  |            |a08dd61a-6155-4051-9a11-223232ea51cd|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            38|Women's Tights             |                  |            |a96ff80d-d52a-432f-9701-731bef16efcc|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            39|Mountain-400               |                  |            |37d261a7-00cf-4880-ac1a-533b6b4365b0|2011-05-01 00:00:00.000|
            40|Road-550                   |                  |            |30450264-4ab8-45e0-8bb5-4d407ea2950a|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            41|Road-350                   |                  |            |d71bd21c-239e-4c2b-98a3-101962d6b2d3|2012-10-19 09:56:38.273|
            42|LL Mountain Front Wheel    |                  |            |aa977b32-acd8-4c53-a560-88a02ac1954d|2012-10-19 09:56:38.273|
            43|Touring Rear Wheel         |                  |[XML]       |e878fcaa-61cc-4014-988a-51f52643f7aa|2015-04-15 16:34:28.997|
            44|Touring Front Wheel        |                  |[XML]       |6da78798-3793-4b8e-829e-dba9d140b1d4|2015-04-15 16:34:28.997|
            45|ML Mountain Front Wheel    |                  |            |c3ff3f93-60a8-4957-b076-b7d0984ee70f|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            46|HL Mountain Front Wheel    |                  |            |cca597fb-195f-4ec5-bf5c-15b98d176f4c|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            47|LL Touring Handlebars      |                  |[XML]       |84138622-1ea6-489f-9c98-6e3924cfbac0|2015-04-15 16:34:29.010|
            48|HL Touring Handlebars      |                  |[XML]       |9da82e49-80ad-4918-9a54-31f4b0c8eabb|2015-04-15 16:34:29.027|
            49|LL Road Front Wheel        |                  |            |90f759c1-2073-4d9f-854b-c6b6f3bf9162|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            50|ML Road Front Wheel        |                  |            |980c8cd0-4903-41f2-9ffc-773c7fe4c254|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            51|HL Road Front Wheel        |                  |            |02a562e2-4dfa-4778-bbac-bbddcecf99b0|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            52|LL Mountain Handlebars     |                  |            |699c2ac5-5406-46d2-863d-dcfb23fc7943|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            53|Touring Pedal              |                  |[XML]       |b98a3207-56fc-405c-a040-3c7a90cc7890|2015-04-15 16:34:29.027|
            54|ML Mountain Handlebars     |                  |            |c9fcc804-2cd7-4b8a-b186-9c409cc19df9|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            55|HL Mountain Handlebars     |                  |            |782c991b-a660-4561-a3f4-9bbd74259747|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            56|LL Road Handlebars         |                  |            |a7e65199-84a8-437e-ad55-360c1df1d788|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            57|ML Road Handlebars         |                  |            |02200aa0-c369-4d77-a67c-75973efda81b|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            58|HL Road Handlebars         |                  |            |2489ddc5-1c89-4dec-af22-b0112ccec467|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            59|LL Headset                 |                  |            |39afbba9-0f6c-44ee-b5e1-32fa93f897e6|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            60|ML Headset                 |                  |            |6ba9f3b6-e08b-4ac2-a725-b41114c2a283|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            61|HL Headset                 |                  |            |e196d02e-9bf6-4c67-b772-ed9f86ccf44c|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            62|LL Mountain Pedal          |                  |            |8123f7e2-a5f4-4047-b69d-e74313dfebce|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            63|ML Mountain Pedal          |                  |            |be9cdc56-f4ab-40f1-b338-2e08e0627abd|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            64|HL Mountain Pedal          |                  |            |8da73708-8dae-44ae-ac6c-6e37022c1ffe|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            65|ML Touring Seat/Saddle     |                  |            |63a2199f-f5b5-49bd-bcfc-bec1d1d16d8b|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            66|LL Touring Seat/Saddle     |                  |[XML]       |4a17c43a-1a55-41bb-bc97-612f47cedeb3|2015-04-15 16:34:29.043|
            67|HL Touring Seat/Saddle     |                  |[XML]       |059a2000-7549-4b49-8e0c-2de6b2771ef4|2015-04-15 16:34:29.043|
            68|LL Road Pedal              |                  |            |218b016c-7454-4193-b518-21955c783d72|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            69|ML Road Pedal              |                  |            |3cdf61d6-6209-436f-b235-82e8f159208b|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            70|HL Road Pedal              |                  |            |35677b42-72ca-4d9e-a966-dd874b83ef45|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            71|LL Mountain Seat/Saddle 1  |                  |            |a166af4c-87bb-41aa-8496-d76b26008fb3|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            72|ML Mountain Seat/Saddle 1  |                  |            |baa9405b-68ca-4c18-bc9c-1c4acf49bafc|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            73|HL Mountain Seat/Saddle 1  |                  |            |bbe4918f-198d-43c7-9f4b-79bc2aa08f2b|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            74|LL Road Seat/Saddle 2      |                  |            |24e3e7d4-4053-4035-9d69-f451642f0c1e|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            75|ML Road Seat/Saddle 1      |                  |            |394ed69c-2cc4-4a85-9080-8534112b66fe|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            76|HL Road Seat/Saddle 1      |                  |            |b83ab7ae-ba3f-40df-8296-361915a3a60c|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            77|ML Road Rear Wheel         |                  |            |15702f98-bd92-4fe8-86bc-52f5fd049d3d|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            78|HL Road Rear Wheel         |                  |            |438cbcfa-05ff-4a29-ad95-ecf41dcb83d5|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            79|LL Mountain Seat/Saddle 2  |                  |            |8bbeb399-5a87-4e40-9f52-462fb54f2183|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            80|ML Mountain Seat/Saddle 2  |                  |            |5cefbb6e-3b7e-414f-ac1b-8f6df741fb21|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            81|HL Mountain Seat/Saddle 2  |                  |            |98726f80-e9b9-4141-9cf5-bd2ef07dce25|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            82|LL Road Seat/Saddle 1      |                  |            |00ce9171-8944-4d49-ba37-485c1d122f5c|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            83|ML Road Seat/Saddle 2      |                  |            |feeb8440-446e-4df8-9482-d529c4fc5e8f|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            84|HL Road Seat/Saddle 2      |                  |            |0d3a6ad7-6891-4de9-b14f-e1a841eb220c|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            85|LL Mountain Tire           |                  |            |e3cdc5dd-27c3-4891-9d5e-0d46d1b8457f|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            86|ML Mountain Tire           |                  |            |0434f63a-a361-4d0b-a9fc-8ac2a866ce85|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            87|HL Mountain Tire           |                  |            |ce1b1064-6679-4212-8f56-2b2617ec56a5|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            88|LL Road Tire               |                  |            |e7b00dff-8136-4947-b503-994584cc89e7|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            89|ML Road Tire               |                  |            |d566eb0f-6945-43d8-bc40-bb3d2f4ef7ed|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            90|HL Road Tire               |                  |            |a4b205df-955a-494e-8428-1898aea76f24|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            91|Touring Tire               |                  |            |3bcc63d6-9340-4b93-b5f2-73fa90758bf5|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            92|Mountain Tire Tube         |                  |            |8cfbe7f2-eec3-4ba6-8187-c8a3614f1f0b|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            93|Road Tire Tube             |                  |            |2771d2d2-2e35-4c12-966e-ce9070df6d53|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            94|Touring Tire Tube          |                  |            |deeea9bc-3c8c-4e73-b6b0-64c81a5d99e3|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            95|LL Bottom Bracket          |                  |            |217e7475-d3f4-46fa-836a-d9e53103e71b|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            96|ML Bottom Bracket          |                  |            |09caa74e-f47b-4fca-b206-9d3e46df9751|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            97|HL Bottom Bracket          |                  |            |816360e1-3dee-4568-bf2f-9828243d887b|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            98|Chain                      |                  |            |aca920b2-d0f9-49f3-b879-573202b08c2f|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
            99|LL Crankset                |                  |            |5b59f032-9b73-4d90-b252-eafd6a871ff1|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           100|ML Crankset                |                  |            |68c6cb29-d94a-40c5-aaad-90aa6e7c5ea1|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           101|HL Crankset                |                  |            |809668a3-d492-41fb-a196-cfe092a12aa2|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           102|Front Brakes               |                  |            |1099a23a-c9ed-41b1-8cc1-e2c1c54a10c8|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           103|Front Derailleur           |                  |            |10e0c8fd-ca13-437b-8e22-51853ae160a7|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           104|LL Fork                    |                  |            |0481d7e1-4970-4efa-a560-020f6579918d|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           105|ML Fork                    |                  |            |5f115aa4-0553-4478-84b3-5dcf3abe0d08|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           106|HL Fork                    |                  |            |7706a8fd-9513-40bc-95e8-301b55b67db2|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           107|Hydration Pack             |                  |            |cfeef30f-f059-4447-92a8-47001e69f3db|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           108|Taillight                  |                  |            |dba643d4-4cf2-4507-b947-e817d8c5792b|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           109|Headlights - Dual-Beam     |                  |            |7b17ebf1-cb73-4934-9689-1dc26cf22d9c|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           110|Headlights - Weatherproof  |                  |            |1fadb88f-af88-4e94-bb1e-6158c48e6b40|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           111|Water Bottle               |                  |            |3688268a-260c-48bf-bf71-fff350d4d3d5|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           112|Mountain Bottle Cage       |                  |            |2194e65b-9c13-46e1-a655-3ebff8a96719|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           113|Road Bottle Cage           |                  |            |9416c2dd-55d8-469d-8edf-ef447c511897|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           114|Patch kit                  |                  |            |7c738101-c01e-45a2-a0e0-b28aeba1dc40|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           115|Cable Lock                 |                  |            |e7e17f11-a7fd-4c3c-b701-68f0ae26143e|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           116|Minipump                   |                  |            |90cef1a7-d817-403e-814c-40e305eeefef|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           117|Mountain Pump              |                  |            |b35598f6-b413-4138-8081-5dc7d4c64b64|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           118|Hitch Rack - 4-Bike        |                  |            |f570e0d1-e978-4ff2-b5b1-08f01ab60219|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           119|Bike Wash                  |                  |            |90b1b93d-ebc8-44a2-ac08-cdd1d20ca39c|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           120|Touring-Panniers           |                  |            |f06999a1-3aa7-4e85-b8cb-049eb2c391fa|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           121|Fender Set - Mountain      |                  |            |c88d1136-a8bb-46bb-94aa-8c1854f813cc|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           122|All-Purpose Bike Stand     |                  |            |6eab8607-d927-40e1-af30-d8a2a953050c|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           123|LL Mountain Rear Wheel     |                  |            |29521f66-2926-471f-867b-668b0b9ec2b0|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           124|ML Mountain Rear Wheel     |                  |            |d968d774-778e-4399-a3c5-375176418229|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           125|HL Mountain Rear Wheel     |                  |            |95450545-adf7-48f3-899e-964de8920dc6|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           126|LL Road Rear Wheel         |                  |            |95946bd4-c6d9-4344-8066-317d8957ea21|2012-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           127|Rear Derailleur            |                  |            |f9327e5d-f8b6-40c5-bfa9-63f886bdfc24|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|
           128|Rear Brakes                |                  |            |71d47afd-da3a-43f1-83ad-69c71f96ef33|2013-04-30 00:00:00.000|

Click to view Full table

Sample Solution:

Create Gloves table

-- Creating a new table named Gloves in the public schema with columns ProductModelID and Name
SELECT ProductModelID, Name
-- Populating the newly created table with data from the ProductModel table
INTO public.Gloves
-- Selecting records where ProductModelID is either 3 or 4
FROM Production.ProductModel
WHERE ProductModelID IN (3, 4);


  • This SQL query creates a new table named Gloves in the public schema and populates it with data from the ProductModel table.
  • Comments are added to explain each part of the query for better understanding and maintenance.
  • Here's a breakdown of what the query does:
    • The SELECT clause specifies the columns (ProductModelID and Name) to be selected from the ProductModel table.
    • The INTO clause creates a new table named Gloves in the public schema based on the specified column structure.
    • The FROM clause specifies the source table as Production.ProductModel from which data will be retrieved.
    • The WHERE clause filters records where the ProductModelID is either 3 or 4.

-- Selecting ProductModelID and Name from the ProductModel table
SELECT ProductModelID, Name
-- Filtering records where ProductModelID is not 3 or 4
FROM Production.ProductModel
WHERE ProductModelID NOT IN (3, 4)
-- Combining the result set with another query result using UNION
-- Selecting ProductModelID and Name from the Gloves table
SELECT ProductModelID, Name
-- From the Gloves table in the public schema
FROM public.Gloves
-- Ordering the combined result set by Name


  • This SQL query retrieves ProductModelID and Name from both the ProductModel table and the Gloves table and combines them into a single result set, ordered by name.
  • Comments are added to explain each part of the query for better understanding and maintenance.
  • Here's a breakdown of what the query does:
    • The first SELECT statement retrieves ProductModelID and Name from the ProductModel table where ProductModelID is not 3 or 4.
    • The second SELECT statement retrieves ProductModelID and Name from the Gloves table in the public schema.
    • The UNION operator combines the result sets of both SELECT statements into a single result set, eliminating duplicates.
    • The ORDER BY clause arranges the combined result set by the Name column in ascending order.

Sample Output:

productmodelid|name                       |
           122|All-Purpose Bike Stand     |
           119|Bike Wash                  |
           115|Cable Lock                 |
            98|Chain                      |
             1|Classic Vest               |
             2|Cycling Cap                |
           121|Fender Set - Mountain      |
           102|Front Brakes               |
           103|Front Derailleur           |
             3|Full-Finger Gloves         |
             4|Half-Finger Gloves         |

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