
TypeScript Class Composition

TypeScript Classes and OOP : Exercise-4 with Solution

Write a TypeScript class that defines a base class Car with properties like make, model, and year, along with a start() method that prints a starting message. Now create a class called Engine with the properties horsepower and fuelType. Modify the Car class to include an instance of the Engine class as a property. Implement a method printCarDetails() in the Car class that prints both car and engine details.

Sample Solution:

TypeScript Code:

// Define a class 'Engine'
class Engine {
  // Properties
  horsepower: number;
  fuelType: string;

  // Constructor for Engine
  constructor(horsepower: number, fuelType: string) {
    this.horsepower = horsepower;
    this.fuelType = fuelType;

// Modify the 'Car' class to include an 'Engine' instance
class Car {
  // Properties
  make: string;
  model: string;
  year: number;
  engine: Engine; // Include an 'Engine' instance as a property

  // Constructor for Car
  constructor(make: string, model: string, year: number, engine: Engine) {
    this.make = make;
    this.model = model;
    this.year = year;
    this.engine = engine; // Initialize the 'engine' property with an 'Engine' instance

  // Method to start the car
  start() {
    console.log(`The ${this.make} ${this.model} (Year: ${this.year}) is starting.`);

  // Method to print car and engine details
  printCarDetails() {
    console.log(`Car Details:`);
    console.log(`Make: ${this.make}`);
    console.log(`Model: ${this.model}`);
    console.log(`Year: ${this.year}`);
    console.log(`Engine Details:`);
    console.log(`Horsepower: ${this.engine.horsepower}`);
    console.log(`Fuel Type: ${this.engine.fuelType}`);

// Create an 'Engine' object
const myEngine = new Engine(200, "Gasoline");

// Create a 'Car' object with the 'Engine' instance
const myCar = new Car("Audi", "A3", 2023, myEngine);

// Call the start method to start the car

// Print car and engine details


In the exercise above -

  • First, we define a class "Engine" with properties 'horsepower' and 'fuelType' and a constructor to initialize these properties.
  • Modify the "Car" class to include an 'engine' property that represents an instance of the "Engine" class.
  • The constructor for the "Car" class now takes an additional parameter, 'engine', and initializes the 'engine' property with an 'Engine' instance.
  • Implement a "printCarDetails()" method in the 'Car' class that prints both car and engine details, including make, model, year, horsepower, and fuel type.
  • Create an instance of the "Engine" class called 'myEngine' and use it to create a 'Car' object called 'myCar'.
  • Finally call the "start()" method to start the car and then print the car and engine details using the "printCarDetails()" method.


"The Audi A3 (Year: 2023) is starting."
"Car Details:"
"Make: Audi"
"Model: A3"
"Year: 2023"
"Engine Details:"
"Horsepower: 200"
"Fuel Type: Gasoline"

TypeScript Editor:

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