
C Exercises: Swaps two numbers without using third variable

C Basic Declarations and Expressions: Exercise-55 with Solution

Write a C program that swaps two numbers without using a third variable.

Pictorial Presentation:

C Programming: Swaps two numbers without using third variable.

Sample Solution:

C Code:

int main() {
    int x, y;

    // Prompt user to input values for x and y
    printf("Input value for x & y: \n");

    // Display the values of x and y before swapping
    printf("Before swapping the value of x & y: %d %d",x,y);

    // Swap the values of x and y using arithmetic operations
    x = x + y;
    y = x - y;
    x = x - y;

    // Display the values of x and y after swapping
    printf("\nAfter swapping the value of x & y: %d %d",x,y);

    return 0;

Sample Output:

Input value for x & y: 
Before swapping the value of x & y: 5 7
After swapping the value of x & y: 7 5


C Programming Flowchart: Swaps two numbers without using third variable

C programming Code Editor:

Previous: Write a C program that accepts a distance in centimeters and prints the corresponding value in inches.
Next: Write a C program to shift given data by two bits to the left.

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