
PHP Exercises : Get last modified information of a file

PHP : Exercise-15 with Solution

Write a PHP script to get last modified information of a file.

Sample filename : php-basic-exercises.php

Sample Solution:

PHP Code:

// Get the current file name using basename and $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']
$current_file_name = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

// Get the last modification time of the current file
$file_last_modified = filemtime($current_file_name);

// Display the last modified time in a human-readable format
echo "Last modified " . date("l, dS F, Y, h:ia", $file_last_modified) . "\n";

Sample Output:

Last modified Monday, 26th June, 2017, 02:06pm


Flowchart: Get last modified information of a file

Note: The result may vary for your system date and time.

basename() function: The basename(path,suffix) function is used to get the filename from a path.

filemtime() function: The filemtime(filename) function is used to get the last time the file content was modified.

PHP Code Editor:

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Previous: Write a PHP script to display source code of a webpage (e.g. "http://www.example.com/").
Next: Write a PHP script to count number of lines in a file.

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