
Python: Display a list of the dates for the 2nd Saturday of every month for a given year

Python Datetime: Exercise-47 with Solution

Write a Python program display a list of the dates for the 2nd Saturday of every month for a given year.

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

# Import the calendar module
import calendar

# Show every month
for month in range(1, 13):
    # Generate the month calendar for the year 2020 and the current month
    cal = calendar.monthcalendar(2020, month)
    # Extract the first, second, and third weeks of the month
    first_week  = cal[0]
    second_week = cal[1]
    third_week  = cal[2]

    # If a Saturday is present in the first week, the second Saturday
    # is in the second week. Otherwise, the second Saturday must be in the third week.
    if first_week[calendar.SATURDAY]:
        holi_day = second_week[calendar.SATURDAY]
        holi_day = third_week[calendar.SATURDAY]

    # Print the month abbreviation and the date of the second Saturday of the month
    print('%3s: %2s' % (calendar.month_abbr[month], holi_day))


Jan: 11
Feb:  8
Mar: 14
Apr: 11
May:  9
Jun: 13
Jul: 11
Aug:  8
Sep: 12
Oct: 10
Nov: 14
Dec: 12  


In the exercise above,

  • The code imports the "calendar" module.
  • It iterates over each month (from January to December) using a "for" loop with the "range()" function.
  • Inside the loop:
    • It generates the month calendar for the year 2020 and the current month using the "monthcalendar()" function of the "calendar" module.
    • It extracts the first, second, and third weeks of the month from the generated calendar.
    • It checks if a Saturday is present in the first week. If so, it assigns the second Saturday of the month to the variable 'holi_day' from the second week. Otherwise, it assigns the second Saturday from the third week.
    • It prints the month abbreviation and the date of the second Saturday of the month using string formatting with %3s for the month abbreviation and %2s for the date.


Flowchart: Display a list of the dates for the 2nd Saturday of every month for a given year.

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Previous: Write a Python program to create a HTML calendar with data for a specific year and month.
Next: Write a Python program to display a simple, formatted calendar of a given year and month.

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