
Python Program: Checking and handling ellipsis in variables

Python ellipsis (...) Data Type: Exercise-5 with Solution

Write a Python program that checks if a variable is equal to ... and prints a message if it matches.

Sample Solution:


# Define a list with ellipsis as a placeholder
nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ...]  
for item in nums:
    if item is ...:
    print(f"Reading item: {item}")


Reading item: 1
Reading item: 2
Reading item: 3
Reading item: 4
Reading item: 5
Reading item: 6

The exercise above defines a list 'nums' with 'ellipsis' as a placeholder for unspecified items. In the loop, we check if the current item is 'ellipsis (...)', and if it is, we print "Skipping...". Otherwise, we process the item and print a message indicating that we are processing it. By using 'ellipsis' as a marker for skipped or unspecified items, we can iterate over an unknown number of items.


Flowchart: Python Program: Checking and handling ellipsis in variables.

Previous: Python Program: Creating lists with gaps using ellipsis.
Next: Python: Creating multidimensional arrays with unspecified dimensions.

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