
Python SQLAlchemy Programming Exercises and Solutions

Python SQLAlchemy - A SQL toolkit [ 14 exercises with solution ]

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1. Write a Python program to create a SQLAlchemy model 'Student' with fields: 'id', 'studentname', and 'email'.
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2. Write a Python program that adds a new student to the 'students' table with a given id, studentname and email.
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3. Write a Python program that retrieves a student's information from the 'students' table using their id..
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4. Write a Python program that updates a student's email in the 'students' table based on their id.
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5. Write a Python program that deletes a student from the 'students' table by their id.
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6. Write a Python program that creates a i) SQLAlchemy model named 'Item' and table name 'items' with fields: 'item_id', 'item_name', 'item_price', and 'item_quantity'. ii) Create a SQLAlchemy model 'Order' and table name 'orders' with fields: 'order_id', 'user_id', 'item_id', and 'order_quantity'. iii) SQLAlchemy model named 'User' and table name 'users' with fields: 'user_id', 'user_name', 'user_email'.
Tables will be created under the database 'shop2.db' . Consider i) 'item_id' as a primary key of 'items' table. ii) 'user_id' as a primary key of 'users' table. iii) 'order_id' as a primary key of 'orders' table and 'item_id' and 'user_id' as two foreigh keys. Insert some records in the 'items', 'users' and 'orders' tables.
Click me to see the sample solution

7. Write a Python program to retrieve items with a price greater than a certain value from the 'items' table using the SQLAlchemy model.
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8. Write a Python program to update the quantity of an item in the 'Items' table based on its name using the SQLAlchemy model.
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9. Write a Python program to create a new order in the 'Order' table for a user and a item with a specified quantity using the SQLAlchemy model.
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10. Write a Python program to retrieve all orders for a specific user from the 'Order' table user using the SQLAlchemy model.
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11. Write a Python program to calculate and display the total cost of all orders for a given user using the SQLAlchemy model.
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12. Write a Python program to list the top 2 products by sales quantity from the 'orders' table using the SQLAlchemy model.
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13. Write a Python program to delete an order from the 'Order' table by its id. Use the SQLAlchemy model.
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14. Write a Python program that performs aggregation queries to get the total number of orders, total sales amount, minimum item price, maximum item price and average order quantity using SQLAlchemy.
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