
C Exercises: Display the pattern like a pyramid with a number which will repeat the number in the same row

C For Loop: Exercise-17 with Solution

Write a C program to make such a pattern like a pyramid with a number which will repeat the number in the same row.
The pattern is as follows:

  2 2
 3 3 3
4 4 4 4

Visual Presentation:

Display the pattern like a pyramid with a number which will repeat the number in the same row

Sample Solution:

C Code:

#include <stdio.h>  // Include the standard input/output header file.

int main() {
    int i, j, spc, rows, k;  // Declare variables 'i', 'j' for loop counters, 'spc' for spaces, 'rows' for user input, 'k' for loop counter.

    printf("Input number of rows : ");  // Prompt the user to input the number of rows.
    scanf("%d", &rows);  // Read the value of 'rows' from the user.

    spc = rows + 4 - 1;  // Calculate the initial number of spaces.

    for (i = 1; i <= rows; i++)  // Loop through each row.
        for (k = spc; k >= 1; k--)  // Loop to print spaces.
            printf(" ");

        for (j = 1; j <= i; j++)  // Loop to print numbers.
            printf("%d ", i);

        printf("\n");  // Move to the next line.
        spc--;  // Decrease the number of spaces for the next row.

    return 0;  // Return 0 to indicate successful execution.

Sample Output:

Input number of rows : 5                                                                                      
       2 2                                                                                                    
      3 3 3                                                                                                   
     4 4 4 4                                                                                                  
    5 5 5 5 5


Flowchart: Display the pattern like pyramid with number which will repeat the number in a same row

C Programming Code Editor:

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Next: Write a program in C to find the sum of the series [ 1-X^2/2!+X^4/4!- .........].

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